Annual Meeting Will Help Members Plan for Growth

Headshot of Michael Readinger

Michael J. Readinger

Growth comes in many forms – from enhanced or new services to revenue. Bottom line: It’s important, even for nonprofits.

That’s the message Lisa McCracken, Ziegler’s senior vice president of senior living research and development, wants to share during CHHSM’s annual meeting March 2-4 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Founded in 1902, Ziegler Investment Banking specializes in financial management for nonprofits.

During her address, “Planning for Growth in a Faith-Based Organization,” McCracken will touch on ways to create and manage growth, exploring themes like board organization and capital planning.

“Nonprofits sometimes have the attitude ’We’re not-for-profit, we shouldn’t make a profit,’” McCracken says. “It’s not about making money to line people’s pockets, it’s about having a margin to do good work.”

McCracken says growth often requires change. “Sometimes nonprofits need to take a little more risk,” she says.

That risk might mean investing in an organization instead of just “sitting on capital,” McCracken says.

During the annual meeting she will talk to members about specific ways to create growth, such as joint ventures and reinvestment.

The three-day gathering is designed to help members learn how to understand and tailor critical communication both internally and externally.

Other meeting highlights include keynote presentations by the Rev. John C. Dorhauer, general minister and president of the United Church of Christ, and Jim Schnurbusch, president and founder of OrgStory.

This year’s meeting also features affinity group meetings, leadership workshops led by the Nollau Institute class of 2016, and a special “Celebrate Wisconsin” dinner on Friday night that is included in the event cost.

McCracken is excited about her session and feels the audience will be receptive. She says the increased presence of for-profit entities in traditionally nonprofit sectors has created a greater willingness of nonprofits to think differently about growth and finances.

“I think faith-based nonprofits need to have the heart and soul of a not-for-profit, but with some of the business acumen of the for-profits,” she says.

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Health and Human Service Sunday in the UCC is January 26. CHHSM's Elyse Berry has created resources for congregations and CHHSM member chaplains to use. ... See MoreSee Less
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