ASAE Advocacy Helps Pave Way for COVID-19 Relief Package

Among the many advocacy efforts that helped pass the recent COVID-19 relief package sent to the White House is that of the Center for Association Leadership (ASAE). Recently, Mary Kate Cunningham, senior vice president of public policy, sent this alert:

Dear Members and Advocates:

As promised, we are following up with more info regarding the newly passed COVID relief package. For details about the mammoth legislation, including specifics on PPP expansion to certain 501(c)(6) organizations and other critical provisions, read ASAE’s issue brief. Thank you again for your hard work and perseverance to help make this happen. 

Many questions remain about definitions and the calculation for lobbying eligibility. Today, ASAE delivered a letter to the Small Business Administration and Treasury Department with requests for clarity as they work quickly to provide guidance. We encourage associations and other 501(c)(6) organizations to write regulators immediately and ask for clarity on these critical issues. You are welcome to use ASAE’s language within our letter.   

We also encourage interested applicants to begin preparations immediately, as the application period will likely open in the beginning of next year. In the meantime, we invite you to watch a previous ASAE instructional webinar, Applying to the Paycheck Protection Program: What Your Association Needs to Know. Watch now. Download slides.

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