AUTA Helps CHHSM Members Save

American Utility Tax & Audit Corp (AUTA) helps organizations like senior living communities and other residential properties ensure they are being charged the lowest sales tax allowed on their utility accounts. Working within each state’s guidelines, AUTA also helps those organizations recoup any overpaid sales tax.

After partnering with AUTA, CHHSM member Retirement Housing Foundation (RHF) recently recovered more than $65,000 in taxes and reduced future expenses by $22,000 annually.

“RHF is a large development and management company providing housing and services to more than 18,000 people in 28 states, Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands and the District of Columbia,” says Stuart Hartman, RHF’s vice president of operations. “Managing the utility taxes across the country can be a daunting task. We were thrilled when we learned AUTA could assist us in recovering utility taxes that had been paid as well as reducing our future expenses. At RHF we appreciate the quick results AUTA has generated and highly recommend them to other CHHSM members.”

To learn more about AUTA, contact Belinda Uptmor.

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