Guest Contributor

Pet-Friendly Domestic Violence Shelters Help Abuse Victims Stay Safe

By Guest Contributor | October 22, 2019

Original story by Emily Woodbury for NPR’s St. Louis on the Air podcast. Here’s a sobering statistic from the animal advocacy nonprofit Red Rover: Only 10 percent of domestic violence shelters accept pets. That means many people fleeing abuse find themselves giving up animals with whom they’ve formed meaningful bonds. And sometimes, those animals themselves…

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Medicare Providing New Resources to Help Beneficiaries During Open Enrollment

By Guest Contributor | October 1, 2019

Medicare’s Open Enrollment Period is just two weeks away. From Oct. 15 to Dec. 7, beneficiaries can enroll in health and drug plans for 2020. But beginning today (Oct. 1), beneficiaries can start looking at new 2020 health & prescription plans online with the new and improved Medicare Plan Finder tool. There is a lot…

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New United Church Funds Webinar Highlights Second-Quarter Investment Performance

By Guest Contributor | August 28, 2019

The latest webinar on United Church Funds‘ (UCF) investment performance is now online, says Howard W. Hawkins, UCF’s director of business development. The webinar, hosted by Katie McCloskey, director of social responsibility, features Minoti Dhanaraj, UCF’s senior investment analyst. During the webinar, the two discuss second-quarter investment performance; UCF’s investment strategy and positioning; and exciting…

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United Church Funds Releases Second Quarter Fact Sheets

By Guest Contributor | August 22, 2019
United Church Funds

United Church Funds’ Fund Fact Sheets for the second quarter of 2019 are now available, says Howard W. Hawkins III, UCF’s director of business development. The fact sheets  provide essential information about each fund’s investment strategy, annualized performance, asset allocation, fund characteristics and top ten holdings. New in the recently released reports are fund narratives…

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LeadingAge: Urge Senate to Take Action for Affordable Senior Housing Funding

By Guest Contributor | July 25, 2019

The Senate will consider a fiscal year 2020 HUD funding bill soon after August’s congressional recess. Senators need to hear that funding to expand the supply of affordable housing through HUD’s successful Section 202 program is critical. Today, only 1 of every 3 older adults eligible for housing assistance receives it because programs are too…

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UCC Justice and Peace Action Network Urges: Denounce Proposal for Zero Refugees in Fiscal Year 2020

By Guest Contributor | July 25, 2019

Over the past several years, the number of refugees that the United States has resettled has dropped drastically, from more than 80,000 in 2016 to just over 20,000 last year. Reports have now surfaced that some administration officials are proposing that the U.S. resettle zero refugees in 2020 — all during the worst refugee crisis in world…

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Ignorance is not Bliss and Silence is not Golden

By Guest Contributor | July 22, 2019

Edith A. Guffey is Conference Minister of the UCC’s Kansas-Oklahoma Conference. Prior to serving the conference, Guffey was Secretary (1991-2000) and Associate General Minister (2000-2011) of the United Church of Christ. Recently, she shared these thoughts via the conference’s e-blast. We reprint them here with permission: I was going to just let it go; after…

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A Religion of the Heart and the Hands

By Guest Contributor | July 8, 2019

The Rev. John H. Thomas, former UCC general minister and president and retired Chicago Theological Seminary faculty member, recently lifted up the work of UCC predecessors  — now part of CHHSM — during a sermon on Luke 24:13-16,28-31 at Epiphany UCC in Chicago. These are his words, reprinted with permission: The women and men who…

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From LeadingAge: Urge Congress to Expand Section 202 Funding

By Guest Contributor | June 18, 2019

CHHSM received this alert from LeadingAge, the trusted advocacy voice for aging, encouraging people to urge Congressional leaders to expand funding for Section 202 funding. The Issue: Congress has begun its work on the fiscal year 2020 HUD funding bill. With long waiting lists for housing assistance and only 1 of every 3 eligible older…

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Plans to Action

By Guest Contributor | June 15, 2019

By David Waltemeyer, Chair, CHHSM Board It says in James 1 to be doers of the word and not hearers only. Conversely, when questioned by the religious leaders of his day, Jesus himself replied that the two greatest commandments, if followed, would fulfill all the commandments: we are to love God and we are to…

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