Guest Contributor

Employee at UCC’s Advocate Trinity Hospital Plans Incredible Annual Christmas Surprise for Hospitalized Children

By Guest Contributor | October 10, 2017

Adapted from a story on America Now News Service, with additions from the Advocate Children’s Hospital Facebook Page. Photos used in the following story are from the Advocate Children’s Hospital Facebook Page. Although Christmas is still more than two months away, one cafeteria worker at the United Church of Christ’s Advocate Trinity Hospital in Chicago…

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United Church Funds Provides Information on the Federal Reserve for CHHSM Ministries

By Guest Contributor | September 29, 2017

Below are links to three insightful articles about the Federal Reserve, the global economy and the impact of demographic changes on investing from our fund managers Western Asset Management and State Street Global Advisors for your information. Reducing Bond Prices, Western Asset Management, September 20, 2017 This article provides a market outlook following Federal Open Market Committee’s (FOMC) announcement…

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UCC Disaster Ministries Offers Ways Respond to Harvey

By Guest Contributor | August 31, 2017

Donate PRINT & USE THE BULLETIN INSERT: NOW AVAILABLE! Harvey made landfall near Corpus Christi, Texas, on Friday, August 25 as a Category 4 hurricane with 130 mile per hour winds. The storm is causing widespread flooding and significant damage across southern Texas and Louisiana as the slow moving storm drops several feet of water throughout the region.…

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Methodist Health & Welfare Ministries to Hold Violence Prevention Training in St. Louis

By Guest Contributor | August 30, 2017

The United Methodist Association of Health & Welfare Ministries is holding a “Workplace Violence and Prevention Training” seminar Oct. 18, 2017, at Salem United Methodist Church, Lindbergh Blvd. in St. Louis, Mo. The threat of a hostile, armed active shooter on or near your campus is a real, documented threat to staff, patients, residents, visitors,…

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New Health Care Legislation Would Harm Those Served by UCC’s Health Care Ministries

By Guest Contributor | July 22, 2017

The Senate is expected to vote early next week on potentially three versions of health care reform: the House-passed American Health Care Act (AHCA), an updated version of the Senate Better Care Reconciliation Act (BCRA), and the Obamacare Repeal Reconciliation Act (ORRA), which would repeal major provisions of the ACA without any replacement plan. Several…

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Collectively, We Are the Gospel in Action

By Guest Contributor | March 14, 2017
Rev. Ken Daniel

This month’s column is written by the newly installed chair of the CHHSM Board of Directors, the Rev. Kenneth Daniel. CHHSM’s 79th Annual Meeting was a success in many ways. Held in Milwaukee, March 2-4, nearly 200 people attended the three-day event, listening to inspiring speakers, participating in innovative workshops, and enjoying the warm fellowship…

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That We May All Be One

By Guest Contributor | April 14, 2016

By Loey Powell Since last July, I have had the honor and privilege of dipping my toe into the sacred waters known as the Council for Health and Human Service Ministries as a part-time staff person. I say “dipping my toe” because one of my realizations is just how deep and wide the waters flow…

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