While the COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way many UCC-related older adult communities ensure the safety of their residents, one thing hasn’t changed: finding additional ways to provide health and wellness services. For Embrace Living Communities — based in Oakbrook, Ill. — a commitment to bolster health and wellness programming is coming to fruition, thanks…
Read MoreFormer CHHSM Board member and Nollau Leadership Institute (2015-2016) graduate Kathryn O’Connor Kuhn, 50, of Kiel, Wis., died Monday, Nov. 2, 2020, at home, surrounded in love by her immediately family. Known for her local church ministry and health and human service ministries work, Kuhn pastored local Wisconsin churches for many years, including Our Saviour’s…
Read MoreUCC-related Charles Hall Youth and Family Services in Bismarck, N.D., was forced to close its Qualified Residential Treatment Program (QTRP) Oct. 24 due to major funding shortages in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. Although the residential program is closing, Gayla Sherman, executive director of programs & resource development, said Charles Hall will continue to…
Read MoreNicole Pretre, vice president of development at UCC-related Cedar Community in West Bend, Wis., has been named among the Milwaukee Business Journal’s 2020 Chief Marketing Officer of the Year award winners. The award recognizes the important work of those in senior marketing positions in southeastern Wisconsin. Pretre is the executive leader of the marketing, sales,…
Read MoreThe Rev. Gary Newsome, chaplain at Lake Prince Woods Retirement Community in Suffolk, Va. — part of UCC-related United Church Homes and Services — held an historic meeting of area clergy July 14 on the Lake Prince Woods grounds. In attendance were white pastors from prominent historical churches from varying denominations and prominent African-American clergy…
Read MoreCare Purchasing Service (CPS), the group purchasing partner of the CHHSM Store, has information about COVID-19 compliant cleaning of scrubs and linen washing processes through its vendor, Medtegrity. In addition to its long-term services, the vendor also has shorter term services developed specifically for the COVID-19 pandemic. Contact Natalia Hernandez, 561.894.7611, CHHSM’s client account manager,…
Read MoreThe United Church of Christ, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, and the Network of Jewish Community Service Agencies are among the many groups who today (April 1) released information and helpful web links to materials related to the recently-passed CARES Act and the Paycheck Protection Program. From the UCC Heather Kimmel, the…
Read MoreCare Purchasing Services (CPS), the group purchasing agent of the CHHSM Store, is providing updates during the COVID-19 outbreak as they are received from distribution partners who provide supplies identified to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 and as provided with the items listed below. Inventories have and will continue to be fluid. CPS’ distributor…
Read MoreThe Council for Health and Human Service Ministries staff sent this message to all CHHSM members. We reprint it here for all CHHSM members and friends. We invite all CHHSM members and friends to send us resources and stories about how your organization is responding to the COVID-19 crisis. Dear Friends, We write to offer…
Read MoreBetween weather fluctuations and the current strains of flu virus, this year’s flu season is trending toward being one of the worst in recent years. Additionally, there is worldwide concern over the coronavirus. CHHSM offers the following background information, as well as health and hygiene tips from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC),…
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CHHSM Nollau Consecration Service
The Nollau Consecration service is a deeply spiritual and celebratory event where the 2024-2025 class of CHHSM's Nollau Leadership Institute will be consecra...