UCC-related Advocate Aurora Health — based in Downers Grove, Ill. And Milwaukee, Wis. — is helping lead the way to increased health equity for residents of Chicago’s South Side. The health system’s Advocate Trinity Hospital has signed a nonbinding agreement with three other area hospitals — Mercy Hospital and Medical Center (a member of Trinity…
Read MoreEach fall in St. Louis, more than 200 business and community leaders gather for Art & Soul, an opportunity to celebrate the role of art in helping children and to raise funds for UCC-related Unleashing Potential. Now in its ninth year, Art & Soul was held Nov. 1 at the Four Seasons Hotel in St.…
Read MoreUCC-related Retirement Housing Foundation (RHF), based in Long Beach, Calif., recently signed a Master Development Agreement with the Hawai’i Public Housing Authority (HPHA) to begin pre-development of an 800-unit affordable housing community for older adults in Honolulu. The project will consist of three 20-story buildings that will include HPHA’s administrative offices, 800 affordable apartments with…
Read MoreIn order to support United Church of Christ efforts to relieve thousands of low-income families of medical debt, the UCC’s Council for Health and Human Service Ministries has instituted a matching gift of $15,000. The donation will be contributed to the UCC Giving Tuesday campaign to relieve medical debt. Giving Tuesday takes place Dec. 3…
Read MoreThe UCC Council for Health and Human Service Ministries today (Nov. 21) released the results of its Member Engagement Survey. Sent out earlier this fall, the survey’s response rate was nearly double the industry standard. The results have been so helpful that CHHSM plans incorporate an annual membership survey, and to look for other ways…
Read MoreOne CHHSM agency needs technology and web presence assessment. Another needs some mission and vision fine tuning, while a third needs writing and graphic design assistance. Other CHHSM members look for help examining governance strategies for keeping pace with the times. Often, CHHSM members turn to the Consultants Network to meet their needs. CHHSM’s Consultants…
Read MoreSeveral UCC-related older adult communities are among the 16th Edition of the LeadingAge Ziegler 200 (LZ 200) publication, released by Ziegler and LeadingAge during the last week of October. The report details the nation’s 200 largest not-for-profit senior living providers, as well as relevant business trends for the industry. The report is developed annually through…
Read MoreUCC-related Advocate Aurora Health announced today a commitment to invest $50 million to help address economic, racial and environmental disparities that impact comunity health outcomes – positioning the organization among the first health systems in the country to make such a significant pledge to investing in targeted community development. The commitment complements local purchasing efforts,…
Read MoreThe Rev. Danielle J. Buhuro, D.Min., currently an ECPE certified educator at UCC-related Advocate South Suburban and Trinity Hospitals in Chicago, has just released a new book, Spiritual Care in the Age of #BlackLivesMatter — Examining the Spiritual and Prophetic Needs of African Americans in a Violent America. Published in the Cascade imprint by Wipf…
Read MoreThe UCC Council for Health and Human Service Ministries wants your feedback. All CHHSM members are invited to participate in an online survey to assess the value of current CHHSM programs and services in order for CHHSM to better serve its membership. “The CHHSM Board is seeking ways to more fully engage CHHSM members, and…
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CHHSM Nollau Consecration Service
The Nollau Consecration service is a deeply spiritual and celebratory event where the 2024-2025 class of CHHSM's Nollau Leadership Institute will be consecra...