Supreme Court Unanimously Affirms Advocate Health Care’s Pension Program as Church-Based Plan

By CHHSM Staff | June 5, 2017

The United States Supreme Court today ruled unanimously in favor of United Church of Christ-related Advocate Health Care, agreeing that its retirement plan does qualify as a church-based pension program. The decision is considered a major victory for religiously affiliated health care systems. Advocate, the largest health care system in Illinois, is a member of…

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Cornerstone Fund’s ‘CHHSM Builder Bonus’ Program Benefits Investors, UCC Ministries

By CHHSM Staff | May 30, 2017

Investors can earn a bonus rate of return with the United Church of Christ Cornerstone Fund’s “CHHSM Builder Bonus” program, including a 10 percent contribution to the UCC-related ministry of your choice. It works this way: Invest a minimum of $25,000 in a five-year Cornerstone Fund investment. Give back 10 percent of your investment to any UCC…

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CHHSM Vice President J. Bennett Guess Leaving to Become ACLU of Ohio Executive Director

By CHHSM Staff | May 19, 2017

The Rev. J. Bennett Guess, Vice President of the United Church of Christ’s Council for Health and Human Service Ministries (CHHSM), is leaving to become the Executive Director of the American Civil Liberties Union of Ohio. Guess, a lifelong civil rights and social justice activist, will step down from CHHSM on June 30, beginning his…

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CHHSM Launches New Website

By CHHSM Staff | April 18, 2017

Responding to member requests for a more user-intuitive website, the Council for Health and Human Service Ministries has listened and responded: a new CHHSM website launched over the Easter weekend, replacing a dated version that had not seen a substantial facelift in nearly six years. “We listened to what our members wanted and responded,” said Michael J. Readinger,…

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CHHSM Welcomes Barb Powell as Communication Consultant

By CHHSM Staff | April 10, 2017

The Council for Health and Human Service Ministries is pleased to welcome Barb Powell as a contracted communication consultant and as a new member of the CHHSM Consultants Network. Powell, former associate director of the United Church of Christ’s Publishing, Identity and Communication Ministry in Cleveland, has nearly three decades of experience as a writer,…

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CHHSM Welcomes Two New Members

By CHHSM Staff | March 15, 2017

CHHSM warmly welcomed two new members during its 79th annual meeting in March: Joint Neighborhood Ministry in St. Louis, Missouri, and The Franklinton Center at Bricks in Whitakers, North Carolina. Joint Neighborhood Ministry is a small nonprofit that helps meet the food, financial and health needs of thousands of people in the community who struggle…

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Lifelong Learning Opens Doors

By CHHSM Staff | March 15, 2017
Woman standing in front of library shelf holding book.

Some classes, like Arizona history, strike close to home. Others, like astronomy, stretch to the far reaches of space. For the curious-minded at Beatitudes Campus, a CHHSM member ministry in Phoenix, there are no limits to learning. The Beatitudes Center for Lifelong Learners offers courses in the arts, sciences and history for residents of the…

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Letter: CHHSM Ministries Invited Into Deeper Involvement With UCC Disaster Ministries

By CHHSM Staff | March 14, 2017
Cross inside a red house logo

The following letter is an invitation to CHHSM member ministries to consider becoming involved with UCC Disaster Ministries: March 3, 2017 Dear CHHSM Member Agencies, The Council for Health and Human Services Ministries (CHHSM), the UCC Council of Conference Ministers and UCC Wider Church Ministries would like to invite you to become a part of…

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United Church of Christ: ACA Replacement Would End Coverage for Millions; Speak Out

By CHHSM Staff | March 10, 2017
People of Health for Health Care

The United Church of Christ’s Justice and Peace Action Network is calling on UCC members and ministries to speak out in opposition to the proposed repeal and replacement of the Affordable Care Act. Below is the text of the Action Alert: House Republicans have introduced their proposed alternative to the Affordable Care Act. This proposal…

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Deaconess Foundation ‘Gets on the Bus’ for Child Advocacy Days

By CHHSM Staff | March 7, 2017
People protesting I advocate for children

More than 100 St. Louis-area residents –– organized by United Church of Christ-related Deaconess Foundation –– will join thousands converging on Missouri’s State Capitol in Jefferson on April 6 for the state’s 35th annual Child Advocacy Day. Deaconess is organizing its #GetOnTheBus campaign to help community residents turn out for the day of marching, meetings…

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