Partnership Benefits Residents, Community

By CHHSM Staff | May 30, 2014

When Cape Albeon partnered with fellow CHHSM member and St. Louis-based St. Andrew’s Resources for Seniors System, residents of the retirement community in Valley Park, Mo., gained access to skilled nursing, something they’ve never had before. “For 14 years I’ve been hoping for extended care to arrive here,” says Lolly Wehrli, 87, who moved into…

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Deaconess Foundation Celebrates 125 Years of Serving St. Louis

By CHHSM Staff | April 30, 2014

As leaders of the Deaconess Foundation celebrate the ministry’s 125th anniversary, they’re recognizing a mission that has developed from strong roots to serve new needs. “We have the same mission, but the expression of it has changed over time,” says the Rev. Starsky D. Wilson, president and CEO of the CHHSM member ministry in St.…

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Empty Pews?

By CHHSM Staff | April 30, 2014

By Bryan Sickbert A Nollau class member recently shared a column from Sojourners entitled “’Nones’ and the Common Good.” The column, written by Eboo Patel, a Muslim American and founder of the Interfaith Youth Core, asks the question, “What will happen to U.S. civil society as the pews empty out?” Patel cites the well-documented membership…

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CHHSM Continues Search for CEO

By CHHSM Staff | April 29, 2014

By the Rev. Kenneth Daniel The CHHSM board of directors has appointed a search committee to identify the next president and chief executive officer for CHHSM following the announcement of Bryan Sickbert’s retirement, which will be effective Dec. 31. Led by the Rev. Kenneth Daniel, president and CEO of United Church Homes in Ohio, the…

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UCC Launches Literacy Campaign

By CHHSM Staff | April 29, 2014

Thirty million people in the U.S. can’t fill out a job application, read a newspaper or understand a restaurant menu. The United Church of Christ hopes to lower this statistic with the help of CHHSM ministries through a new effort, “Reading Changes Lives.” “The inability to read is a silent but serious issue that impacts…

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Water in the Wilderness

By CHHSM Staff | March 30, 2014

By Bryan Sickbert Strike the rock, and water will come out of it, so that the people may drink. (Exodus 17:6) Water from a rock? Certainly more biblical nonsense! But the image did not seem far-fetched to me as I listened to the Old Testament Lenten reading this week (Exodus 17:1-7). Our home in southwest…

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‘Management as Ministry’, a CHHSM and CTS Collaboration

By CHHSM Staff | March 30, 2014

By the Rev. Danielle Bartz CHHSM and Chicago Theological Seminary are teaming up this May to offer a one-week intensive course on faith-based nonprofit leadership. The course, entitled “Management as Ministry: Learnings from Faith-Based Health and Human Services,” will be taught by CHHSM president and CEO Bryan Sickbert and CHHSM ministry Consecra Housing Network CEO…

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CHHSM Searches for New CEO

By CHHSM Staff | March 30, 2014

During the next six months, the CHHSM Board of Directors will oversee one of the most important responsibilities in nonprofit management: hiring a new president and CEO. The search for a new leader is underway after the current president and CEO, the Rev. Bryan Sickbert, announced this month that he will retire at the end…

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Samaritan Bethany Joins CHHSM

By CHHSM Staff | March 4, 2014

Samaritan Bethany joins CHHSM this month as its newest member in an effort to better serve residents and team members. The senior care community located in Rochester, Minn., provides assisted living, independent housing and a nursing home, all on one campus. Pastor Jean Boese, a United Church of Christ pastor and chaplain for Samaritan Bethany,…

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A Vision for All

By CHHSM Staff | March 4, 2014

The Rev. Dr. Ben Mohr Herbster, the first president of the United Church of Christ, once told his parishioners, “we are a risk-taking fellowship.” Throughout his life, he exemplified this statement, and created a lasting impact by speaking out and helping those who needed support, even when doing so wasn’t a common or popular practice.…

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