What Nollau Taught Me

By CHHSM Staff | March 4, 2014

Introduction by: The Rev. Danielle K. Bartz, CHHSM Program Associate  Megan Culbertson, CHHSM Scholar, epitomizes the future of nonprofit faith-based leadership by pursuing both a masters of divinity and a masters of social work in Chicago. Part of her experience as the CHHSM Scholar was to participate in the 2013 Nollau Institute. She was also…

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CHHSM Gathers for Annual Meeting

By CHHSM Staff | March 4, 2014

By The Rev. Danielle K. Bartz CHHSM Program Associate  “Do not remember the former things or consider the things of old. Behold! I am about to do a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.” – Isaiah 43:18-19 These…

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2014 Nollau Institute Kicks Off

By CHHSM Staff | January 31, 2014

Even before the 2014 Nollau Institute kicked off, participants were anticipating the changes that the leadership program would bring to their lives and that they would then bring to others. The Nollau Institute, a one-year program for leaders from CHHSM member ministries and partnering organizations, combines leadership education with a unique perspective of providing faith-based…

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Fear of Possibility

By CHHSM Staff | January 31, 2014

By Bryan Sickbert As once the winged energy of delight carried you over childhood’s dark abysses, now beyond your own life build the great arch of unimagined bridges. Rainer Maria Rilke This first stanza of Rilke’s poem “Once the Winged Energy of Delight,” is my favorite piece of verse. Last week, the first retreat of…

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CHHSM Annual Meeting Will Look to the Future

By CHHSM Staff | January 6, 2014

CHHSM members will visualize and prepare for the future at the 76th Annual Meeting at Cottonwoods Resort & Suites in Scottsdale, Ariz., Feb. 27 to March 1. The meeting theme is “Behold! I am Doing a New Thing: Embracing the Future.” It’s based on Isaiah 43: 18-19: “Behold I am doing a new thing; now it…

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2013 Nollau Institute Holds Final Retreat

By CHHSM Staff | January 2, 2014

The 2013 class of the Nollau Institute concluded its year of study with a retreat and consecration service on Dec. 12, 2013, in St. Louis, Mo. Students agreed that it had been a formative and informative year. Renita White, vice president of housing support and workforce development for CHHSM ministry UCAN in Chicago, said that she has attended a…

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Behold, I am Doing a New Thing

By CHHSM Staff | January 2, 2014

By Bryan Sickbert Remember not the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? Isaiah 43: 18-19 In these verses, the prophet reveals God’s intent to bring about a new exodus that will release Israel from exile in Babylon and…

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CHHSM Store Helps Ministries Save

By CHHSM Staff | May 31, 2012

A savings of $1,000 is a big deal, especially for a small daycare center. When Park’s Edge Preschool, an outreach program of Emanuel Church, UCC, in Hales Corner, Wis., decided it was costing too much money to maintain its 10-year-old bus, Gene Detert, the school’s board president, knew where to go for advice. He contacted…

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