Michael Readinger

Alleluia is Our Cry

By Michael Readinger | April 13, 2018
Michael J. Readinger

We are an Easter people. And Alleluia is our cry. — St. Augustine Life is so beautiful. The glories of every sunrise, every sunset, every full moon, every starlit sky. The joy of all those children, neighbors, the Earth, our pets, our friends, the sense of accomplishment or congratulations for a job well done, that…

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One Voice

By Michael Readinger | March 13, 2018
Michael J. Readinger

The CHHSM Annual Gathering has come and gone. But, for those of us who attended last week in St. Louis, the voices we heard will stick with us for quite a while. So many voices, from so many places, across so many miles, in more than one language. All coming together. As. One. Voice. Before…

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Extravagant Welcome

By Michael Readinger | February 14, 2018
Michael J. Readinger

It has been a couple of years since the United Church of Christ migrated away from the branding and marketing language that included Extravagant Welcome. But, as we finalize our preparations for the CHHSM Annual Gathering in St. Louis from March 1-3, 2018, it is clear that this language still applies whenever we gather as…

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New Year News

By Michael Readinger | January 15, 2018
Michael J. Readinger

Welcome to 2018 Friends! As we enter the new year, I thought it would be nice to share the current state of affairs in the CHHSM world. This may be the first time you have heard some of this and some of this may be familiar, but it is worth telling you what has occurred…

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What are you waiting for?

By Michael Readinger | December 13, 2017
Michael J. Readinger

Maybe it’s me just getting older, but recently I find myself thinking of all the things I have to do — NOW! Of course, it’s only natural for me to then want everyone to march to the same tune as me so that I don’t have to wait for others to catch up. And then…

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Thanks + Giving

By Michael Readinger | November 13, 2017
Michael J. Readinger

As autumn fades to the onset of winter, we prepare to celebrate Thanksgiving. The planning and preparation for this day of feasting, family, friends, football, parades and preparations for Advent and Christmas overshadow, at times, remembering the reason we celebrate the day at all. Thanksgiving initially became a recognized national holiday in the USA in…

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Servant Leadership: Nollau

By Michael Readinger | October 12, 2017
Michael J. Readinger

During the last week of September, I was blessed to spend three days in St. Louis with the Nollau Institute class of 2017-2018 and my faculty teammates. It was an inspirational time of didactic and experiential learning, sharing of celebrations, opportunities and best practices. We dined, prayed, laughed and cried together. We encouraged, supported and…

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From the President, September 2017

By Michael Readinger | September 16, 2017
Michael J. Readinger

As an unhealthy (in my world view) focus on nationalism has gained its hold on our nation politically, I am reminded how much we stand to gain by expanding our understanding of the practices and policies of our international peers and allies. Recent natural disaster activity reminds me of the importance of caring for our…

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From the President, August 2017

By Michael Readinger | August 14, 2017
Michael J. Readinger

Simmering summer greetings Friends!  Hopefully you are enjoying the season with some family time, some vacation time and some time to get ready for the seasons ahead. Here at CHHSM, we are pleased to announce the return of the Rev. Loey Powell as Executive Associate to the President/CEO. As Loey reprises her role (remember she…

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General Synod Withdrawal

By Michael Readinger | July 12, 2017
Headshot of Michael Readinger

Wow! What a whirlwind it was! Personally, I am witnessing a whole lot of withdrawal from the UCC General Synod 31 that just concluded in Baltimore, Md. For those of you who have never attended a General Synod, let me try to explain what it is like. Those of you who have been will understand.…

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