Bethany Children’s Home Receives Largest Gift in Recent History

Bethany Children’s Home in Womelsdorf, Pennsylvania, has received its largest philanthropic gift in recent history from the estate of George M. and Dorothy D. (Dautrich) Seaman, who created a life legacy at Bethany with a $2 million gift to support capital improvements that will ensure that Bethany continues to provide a safe, nurturing, caring environment for youth.

George Seaman was a 1932 graduate of Reading High School and Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania in 1936. He retired from Carpenter Technology Corp., after his father-in-law passed away, becoming the owner and operator of Dautrich Seafood from 1948-1981. He was a U.S. Air Force veteran and the director of the Wyomissing Park Commission for 18 years.

Dorothy Seaman was a 1932 graduate of Reading High School and a 1936 graduate of Albright. She was employed in her family’s business Dautrich Seafood prior to coming co-owner with her husband, George.

George and Dorothy spent most of their free time at the Berkshire Country Club playing golf and enjoying meals with friends. In addition, they were active members of Atonement Lutheran Church. They were known by their friends as kind, caring and willing to help others. George, known for his brilliance and strategic thinking, specifically sought to leave a legacy in the community in the most humble and quietest of ways.

He expressed sadness in personal letters that he and Dorothy did not have children of their own so he wanted to ensure that his legacy was to provide for children in need to ensure that they receive the care, support and opportunities to grow up in a safe, secure environment.

Kevin Snyder, CEO of Bethany Children’s Home, stated the Seaman Legacy will provide the youth served at Bethany the supportive environment they need to help them work through the trauma they have faced; build new life skills to overcome survival skills; and to plan for their future. This gift will support significant renovations and updates to Bethany’s 149-year-old campus to ensure we are here for our community youth for another 100 years

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