A new brand, 120 years in the making. How do you say it? How do you spell it? What does it mean? These are just some of the questions that Susan Sinderson and the rest of her team heard regularly from almost everyone when they said the name of their organization – Consecra. This ongoing…
Read MoreThe 79th CHHSM Annual Meeting is a chance for CHHSM members across the country to explore their organizations’ missions and develop stronger relationships with each other and the church. The Rev. John C. Dorhauer, general minister and president of the United Church of Christ, says the partnership between CHHSM members and the church is essential.…
Read MoreIt wasn’t long after Kyle Zanker spoke at a local United Church of Christ congregation that a call from a concerned church member came in. “He said, ’I understand your beds are full and waiting lists are full, what can our church do to help?’ Those things happen all the time,” says Zanker, chief development…
Read MoreAs America ages, so does its lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) community, creating both issues and opportunities for a generation of people who have lived relatively openly as themselves for 40-plus years. United Church Homes, a United Church of Christ-related ministry that serves over 4,000 residents in 69 communities in 14 states and two…
Read MoreThe United Church of Christ’s nearly 400 health and human service ministries provided more than $857 million in uncompensated, charitable care in 2016, an increase of nearly 18 percent in one year. The jump represents one of the largest single-year increases in decades, according to statistics collected by the UCC’s Council for Health and Human…
Read MoreUnited Church Funds has released a Sustainability Report examining efforts — operationally and externally — to live into its commitment to be a socially responsible, faithful investing partner on behalf of its investment clients. United Church Funds (UCF) is the institutional investment ministry of the United Church of Christ. UCF offers a diverse family of…
Read MoreThe Rev. Joanna D’Agostino, pastor of First Congregational Church of Ripon (Wis.), United Church of Christ, was invited to write the annual Christmas letter in the Ripon Commonwealth Press, where this reflection first appeared. She is a member of the 2016-2017 class of CHHSM’s Nollau Leadership Institute. Two days before Christmas, during my second year at Eden…
Read MoreAt Back Bay Mission, the green beans don’t stay on the shelf for long. Those and other foods disappear quickly at Back Bay’s food pantry, the only place on the Mississippi Gulf Coast that allows individuals in need to choose their own food off the shelf. The goal is to reduce waste while providing a…
Read MoreCHHSM members will explore how to share the message of their mission during the organization’s 79th annual meeting March 2-4 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. With the theme “Our Bold Vision in Word and Deed,” the three-day gathering is designed to help members learn how to understand and tailor critical communications both internally and externally. “The time…
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