From the President

Looking Out and Looking In

By CHHSM Staff | June 30, 2014

By The Rev. Kenneth V. Daniel President and CEO, United Church Homes  A CEO search is a unique time in any organization’s life. CHHSM is entering this time of leadership transition with great optimism. We celebrate the accomplishments of the organization under the Rev. Bryan Sickbert’s distinguished leadership for 22 years. While we prepare to…

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Empty Pews?

By CHHSM Staff | April 30, 2014

By Bryan Sickbert A Nollau class member recently shared a column from Sojourners entitled “’Nones’ and the Common Good.” The column, written by Eboo Patel, a Muslim American and founder of the Interfaith Youth Core, asks the question, “What will happen to U.S. civil society as the pews empty out?” Patel cites the well-documented membership…

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Water in the Wilderness

By CHHSM Staff | March 30, 2014

By Bryan Sickbert Strike the rock, and water will come out of it, so that the people may drink. (Exodus 17:6) Water from a rock? Certainly more biblical nonsense! But the image did not seem far-fetched to me as I listened to the Old Testament Lenten reading this week (Exodus 17:1-7). Our home in southwest…

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Fear of Possibility

By CHHSM Staff | January 31, 2014

By Bryan Sickbert As once the winged energy of delight carried you over childhood’s dark abysses, now beyond your own life build the great arch of unimagined bridges. Rainer Maria Rilke This first stanza of Rilke’s poem “Once the Winged Energy of Delight,” is my favorite piece of verse. Last week, the first retreat of…

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Behold, I am Doing a New Thing

By CHHSM Staff | January 2, 2014

By Bryan Sickbert Remember not the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? Isaiah 43: 18-19 In these verses, the prophet reveals God’s intent to bring about a new exodus that will release Israel from exile in Babylon and…

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