From the President

Race, Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, Belonging, and Justice!

By Michael Readinger | December 13, 2021

As you may be aware by now, CHHSM has made some significant progress in its efforts toward dismantling racism and white supremacy systems in the last year. Our Race, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (RDEI) work has just begun and will be a long-term, lifelong commitment that will require changing the way people, organizations and systems…

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Great to SEE You Again!

By Michael Readinger | November 11, 2021

Happy Veteran’s Day! As I write this column, I am remembering those who have served in our nation‘s military. Our safety and liberty are things we should not take for granted, and we owe a debt of gratitude to all of those who worked to secure the liberties we enjoy. I am traveling today (and…

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The Second Mountain

By Michael Readinger | October 14, 2021

In my September column, I wrote about the way I would approach the “one more times” in my career as I get closer to the final day in my role as president and CEO of CHHSM. I promised to be authentic and connected, inquisitive and introspective, and celebratory in honor of all I will meet…

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One Last Time

By Michael Readinger | September 13, 2021

As I ruminate on the approach of that day when I leave my role here at CHHSM, I am struck by the reality that almost everything I do in this role may be happening for the final time in my career! The UCC General Synod in July, my gatherings with my peers at the Interfaith…

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It All Starts at Home

By CHHSM Staff | August 13, 2021

This month, Mike invited our newest employee, Essence Ellis — CHHSM and JLCM United Church of Christ Fellow — to author an article. This column originally appeared in the Justice and Local Church Ministries’ Witness for Justice. By Essence Ellis  The national eviction ban ended on July 31. While tens of thousands of people attended…

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Together, We are the Church on the Move

By Michael Readinger | July 19, 2021

The United Church of Christ meets every other year at General Synod to conduct its business. At this year’s recently concluded Synod, there were elections, resolutions of witness, prudential resolutions, speak outs, worship services and music, optional events, educational intensives, implementation conversations, hearings, and much more. But there were no cookies this year! There were…

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The Way Forward

By Michael Readinger | June 11, 2021

At the just completed CHHSM Board of Directors meeting, we held a generative session that explored the depth and breadth of the Race, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Assessment we received from the Equius Group. That session, which we called “The Way Forward,” gave the board an opportunity to dissect the report and prioritize action items…

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By Michael Readinger | May 14, 2021

I am writing this column while I am “on vacation” in southern California. The desert environment is an amazing and beautiful landscape that contains so many surprises and unexpected wonders. Many of the miracles of nature that appear here every day make me ponder the possibilities ahead of us as we begin to emerge from…

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Together Again — What will it Require?

By Michael Readinger | April 13, 2021

I know we will be able to meet in person again someday in the near future. We have all heard the scientific research, political opinions, theories, hopes, and worries about how and when that will happen. I do not have all of the answers, but I do have some of the questions and possible answers…

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By Michael Readinger | March 11, 2021

While I have always been a curious person who wonders about almost everything behind the scenes, I find myself with a renewed and redirected sense of curiosity following the 83rd CHHSM Annual Gathering last week. The Annual Gathering may have been offered on a virtual, technology-based platform, but there were so many opportunities for personal…

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