CHHSM Board of Directors Seeks Committee and Taskforce Volunteers


The CHHSM Board of Directors is seeking qualified volunteers to fill openings on its Finance, Program Planning and Evaluation, and Governance and Member Engagement Committees. Additionally, the Board is seeking volunteers for its 2021 General Synod Planning Taskforce and Vision 2030 Taskforce.

“These volunteer opportunities are critical for the sustainability of CHHSM’s governance structure and are an important resource for creating a pool of qualified and educated candidates of potential Board members,” says Michael J. Readinger, CHHSM president and CEO.

Finance Committee members provide fiduciary oversight and strategic management of assets, reporting functions, and financial policies of CHHSM. Tasks include review of monthly financial reports, review of the annual CHHSM audit, review and approval of the annual budget, and monitoring CHHSM’s investments for compliance to its Investment Policy Statement.

Members of the Program Planning and Evaluation Committee collaborate with CHHSM staff to establish and lead processes that engage Board members in generative visioning and monitoring of program effectiveness. Their tasks include creating leadership development programs, conducting periodic assessments of major program initiatives, developing and managing CHHSM’s advocacy programming in conjunction with staff, and providing guidance for CHHSM ecumenical partnerships.

The Governance and Member Engagement Committee leads the periodic assessment of the CHHSM Board’s performance, and proposes — as appropriate — changes in structure, roles and responsibilities. The committee members also monitor the skill sets and demographic diversity of Board members and recommend candidates to the Nominating Committee; oversee and evaluate opportunities for CHHSM members to gather and collaborate; plan initiatives that meet the educational needs of the Board; provide marketing and communication counsel; and conduct orientation sessions for new Board members and periodic member satisfaction assessments.

The two taskforces also play a critical role in CHHSM’s program and planning. The 2021 General Synod Planning Taskforce is helping to develop the role CHHSM will play in the UCC’s General Synod, slated to be held virtually July 16-20, 2021. The Vision 2030 Taskforce is taking ideas from generative conversations held during the 2020 Annual Gathering in Memphis and using them as a jumping-off point in determining how CHHSM will remain a relevant and meaningful leader in health and human services into the future.

“It has been our experience that volunteers to our committees and taskforces become increasingly committed to and engaged with the work of CHHSM, and are motivated to become Board members,” says the Rev. George Graham, vice president. “We value and appreciate all of our volunteers, and are grateful for their participation in the mission of CHHSM.”

Interested persons can apply online. If you have questions or would like more information, contact CHHSM.

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