CHHSM Exec Signs on to United Church of Christ Petition to Save Health Care Subsidies
In response to an appeal by the United Church of Christ’s Justice and Peace Network, Michael J. Readinger, president and CEO of CHHSM, today signed on to the network’s petition to save health care subsidies.
The petition, sent in the form of a network Take Action Alert, calls for UCC members to voice support in favor of the current bipartisan Congressional legislation that will provide funding for the health care subsidies recently cut via an executive order from the President.
While the legislation doesn’t address all concerns around providing access to quality, affordable health care to all, it represents a necessary first step in addressing the immediate problems in the health care marketplace.
In signing the petition, Readinger said, “Access to affordable, quality health care is not a privilege. It’s rooted in our faith and scriptures. We must protect the life and dignity of every person.”
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