From LeadingAge: Urge Congress to Expand Section 202 Funding
CHHSM received this alert from LeadingAge, the trusted advocacy voice for aging, encouraging people to urge Congressional leaders to expand funding for Section 202 funding.
The Issue:
Congress has begun its work on the fiscal year 2020 HUD funding bill. With long waiting lists for housing assistance and only 1 of every 3 eligible older adults receiving the housing assistance they are eligible for because the programs are too small, the time is NOW to urge senators and representatives to significantly expand funding for new homes under HUD’s successful Section 202 program.
Specifically, for FY20, LeadingAge is asking Congress for:
- Expanded funding for new Section 202 homes to $600 million.
- Full funding for rental assistance contracts and service coordinator renewals.
- $30 million to expand the availability of service coordinators to more communities.
LeadingAge is encouraging everyone to make their voices part of the debate. Grassroots efforts have made a big difference in the past, and LeadingAge wants to ensure that more funding is assured for next year.
How you can help:
- Call or email your lawmakers today.
- Share this information with the residents in your community and suggest that they make their opinions known to their Congressional leaders. The proposed changes will directly impact them.
Steps for making a call:
- Dial this toll-free number: 202-410-2450.
- Feel free to use the sample script below when you talk to the staff person who answers the phone.
- After talking with the staff person, do not hang up. Allow the staff person to hang up, and the automated system will then connect you to your next lawmaker.
Steps for sending an email:
- Visit this action alert information page and follow the instructions to email your senator representative.
Sample script:
As a constituent, I am asking you to increase funding to $600 million for new homes under HUD’s Section 202 Housing for the Elderly program.
Please also fully fund the renewal of rental assistance contracts and service coordinators within HUD.
I am also asking you to provide an additional $30 million to expand the availability of service coordinators in our communities.
The HUD FY20 appropriations bill is critical to providing affordable housing for older adults in our community.
Thank you!
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