Goodwin to Preach at CHHSM Annual Gathering Wednesday Evening Worship Service

The Rev. Darrell Goodwin

The UCC Council for Health and Human Service Ministries (CHHSM) has announced that the Rev. Darrell Goodwin, CHHSM board member and conference minister for the UCC’s regional Southern New England Conference, will be the preacher for the 2025 Annual Gathering’s Wednesday evening worship service at Old South Church UCC in Boston.

The 2025 Annual Gathering takes place March 11-13, 2025, in Boston and Cambridge, Mass. The Southern New England Conference is the regional host of the event.

Goodwin will deliver his sermon during the special service held to consecrate the 2024-2025 graduating class of the Nollau Leadership Institute as Diakonal Ministers. The service always is meaningful, both for the Nollau class and Annual Gathering attendees.

“The consecration of the Nollau Leadership Institute graduates following their year-long studies always is a poignant worship experience,” said Jamar Doyle, president and CEO of CHHSM. “We look forward to hearing Rev. Goodwin’s inspiring words.”

The theme of this year’s Annual Gathering is “Into the Deep: Casting Nets of Justice.” It is based on the Luke 5:4 (NRSVue) Bible passage — “When he had finished speaking, he said to Simon, ‘Put out into deep water, and let down your nets for a catch.’” The theme calls CHHSM leaders — whether in affordable housing, health care, or community service ministries — to take bold action and approach their work with courage, collaboration, and a dedication to creating a more just and compassionate world.

The Rev. Dr. Karen Georgia A. Thompson

In addition to Goodwin, the Rev. Dr. Karen A. Georgia Thompson, UCC general minister and president, will deliver the opening worship sermon. There will be two keynote addresses at this year’s Annual Gathering. Jonathan A King, Ph.D., of Massachusetts Peace Action and the Rev. Dr. Calvon T. Jones of Harvard Memorial Church will deliver the opening and closing keynote addresses, respectively.

Throughout the Annual Gathering, participants will be able to view the final capstone projects of the Nollau Leadership Institute class. Class members will be on hand to talk about their projects and the experience of going through the year of study.

The Annual Gathering also will include much-loved favorite events, including affinity group meetings, moments of reflection, time for socializing, and workshops.

“We are still in the process of selecting workshops for the gathering because, again this year, we received nearly twice as many proposals as available workshop slots,” said Doyle. “The workshop proposals represent a wide range of topics of interest to our members. We look forward to welcoming everyone to Boston and Cambridge in March.”

The Annual Gathering will take place at the Hyatt Regency Boston/Cambridge. Registration for the gathering will open in December.

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CHHSM's 87th Annual Gathering began officially this morning with opening worship, led by inspiring words from UCC General Minister and President, the Rev. Dr. Karen Georgia A. Thompson. ... See MoreSee Less
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