IFM Community Medicine Clinics Give Children in St. Louis a ‘Head Start’

IFM Community Medicine serves its St. Louis community by taking healthcare services directly to points of need, overcoming access barriers related to cost, transportation, language, and trust. The majority of IFM’s patients — 64 percent in 2024 — are 18 or under, so such programs as Head Start are critically important.
One of the largest populations of children IFM serves are at six area Head Start and Early Head Start sites in St. Louis:
- Youth in Need’s Meramec and Academy Head Start Centers
- Southside Early Childhood Center
- Hilltop Child and Family Development Center
- Guardian Angel Settlement Association’s Child Development Center, and
- The Head Start program at CHHSM partner agency, Every Child’s Hope.
Head Start/Early Head Start is a free, federally funded program designed to promote school readiness for infants, toddlers, and preschoolers from families who meet income eligibility requirements; children with identified physical or developmental delays; children in foster care; or unhoused children.
Children in Head Start attend programs and receive care at a center and the family is supported with regular home visits, programming, and community and volunteer activities that support their child’s learning and development. Head Start also links children and families to other vital services in the community, such as housing or employment support.
IFM’s role at these centers is to provide the child’s initial exam if needed, making sure any health concerns are identified and addressed, and immunizations are up to date before they begin the program, and to manage any acute illness or injuries during the school day.
Being healthy enough to attend school, and having good overall health is key for educational and developmental progress, and IFM is a critical part to making sure young children in need in the community succeed.
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