June 16 Webinar to Feature Ways Older Adult Communities Can Adjust to Post-Pandemic Challenges

A new offering in the CHHSM webinar series takes place June 16 at 3 p.m. ET. This new webinar will focus on ways the older adult communities can adapt to the new challenges the COVID-19 pandemic created. Register for the webinar.
The 30-minute Safer in Senior Living webinar will discuss:
- The reason behind the decrease in occupancy and ways to increase census.
- Why the FCC is funding hundreds of millions of dollars for healthcare technology solutions.
- The unveiling of the Safer in Senior Living Initiative by VirtuSense Technologies.
The webinar is sponsored by CPS, the group purchasing agent behind the CHHSM Store, and VirtuSense Technologies. On May 1, VirtuSense unveiled the new initiative, which is geared to helping organizations and agencies adapt to the changing needs and expectations of their communities.
Learn more about the initiative (saferinseniorliving.com) and download a helpful guide.
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Council for Health and Human Service Ministries, UCC
An association of nearly 400 facilities, communities and programs nationwide, CHHSM is the healing an