Lake Prince Woods Executive Director Judy Raymond Receives LeadingAge Virginia’s Vision Award

Judy Raymond

At its annual conference in Roanoke, Va., this month, LeadingAge Virginia recognized Lake Prince Woods Executive Director Judy Raymond with its 2022 Vision Award. Raymond has been at the helm of Lake Prince Woods — part of CHHSM member EveryAge — for 12 years and has been a strong advocate for seniors and the senior living industry since 1984.

As a licensed nursing home administrator and certified therapeutic recreation specialist, Raymond has made a strong impact on residents and staff at Lake Prince Woods and has served on a variety of committees to advocate for older adults through regulation and legislation. From 2001 to 2003, she was chair of the Virginia Beach Task Force on Aging and, in 2016, she was elected chair of the Board of LeadingAge Virginia. She also has chaired the LeadingAge Virginia Administrator in Training (AIT) Task Force and, most recently, has been an advocate to assist with increasing the Medicaid rate for adult day services.

Raymond has helped nurture tomorrow’s leaders in the aging services industry. She has mentored more than 50 administrators in training or other young professionals seeking internships, including a large number of candidates of color, and has worked diligently to advance diversity in the field. Mary Ann Gamboa, Lake Prince Woods’ health care administrator, is one of Raymond’s past trainees and confirms, “As an inspirational coach and leader, Judy has a way to empower others in realizing their full potential. I am living proof of her empowerment.”

As executive director, Raymond has helped lead the development of Lake Prince at Home, LLC, a Medicare-certified home health and hospice agency, and she’s spearheading an expansion of cottage and villa units, along with the development of a new wellness and community center. Under her leadership, Lake Prince Woods has been certified as a Great Place to Work®, and the community itself has benefited from her nimble navigation through the COVID-19 pandemic and its testing, quarantines, labor shortages, and regulation.

“As a long-time Rotarian of the Suffolk Rotary Club, Judy lives by their motto of putting ‘service before self,’” said Aimee Reimann, chief operating officer of EveryAge. “Her strong desire to advance aging services, her thoughtful approach to facility management, and her extraordinary contributions to the industry all recommend her as an ideal Vision Award leader.”

LeadingAge Virginia’s Vision Award recognizes an individual who has made an outstanding contribution to aging services and/or to the association through inspirational leadership and vision throughout their career, has a distinguished record of service in nonprofit leadership, and is dedicated to achieving their community’s specific goals and objectives. The award showcases candidates who respect the past, lead today, and create the future.

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