Low-Income Housing Coalition Asks for Support of National Housing Trust Fund

The National Low Income Housing Coalition, based in Washington, D.C., is encouraging people to sign on to a letter to Congress endorsing the National Housing Trust Fund.

In legislation introduced by Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), the fund would receive $40 billion annually. To show support for the program,  the Coalition has reinvigorated its National Housing Trust Fund Campaign in order to show a large endorser base.

The Housing Trust Fund is the first new federal housing resource in a generation, and it is exclusively targeted to help build and preserve housing that is affordable to people with the lowest incomes. In the first three years of HTF, $659.8 million has been allocated to states. Because the HTF is administered as a block grant, each state has the flexibility to decide how to best use HTF resources to address its most pressing housing needs. Most states have chosen to use their HTF investment to build and preserve affordable housing.

Sign the letter to Congress.

Learn more about the National Low Income Housing Coalition.

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