Medicare Providing New Resources to Help Beneficiaries During Open Enrollment

Medicare’s Open Enrollment Period is just two weeks away. From Oct. 15 to Dec. 7, beneficiaries can enroll in health and drug plans for 2020. But beginning today (Oct. 1), beneficiaries can start looking at new 2020 health & prescription plans online with the new and improved Medicare Plan Finder tool.

There is a lot of new information for this Medicare Open Enrollment Period. In addition to the plan finder tool, Medicare’s Open Enrollment blog provides a list of five things to do to get ready for Medicare Open Enrollment.

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Join CHHSM via livestream today at 5:15 p.m. ET for a special CHHSM Annual Gathering worship service coming from Old South UCC in Boston. This special service will include preaching by the Rev. Darrell Goodwin, executive conference minister of the UCC’s Southern New England Conference, and the consecration of this year’s Nollau Leadership Institute class as Diakonal Ministers. You won’t want to miss it! #BeAVoiceCHHSM Watch the livestream at ... See MoreSee Less
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