New Directions: CHHSM Unveils New Mission, Vision and Values
“Together, we create a just, caring and compassionate world.”
It’s been more than 20 years since CHHSM has taken a deep look at its organizational purpose, but that’s now changed. This week, after 18 months of missional introspection, CHHSM’s Board of Directors finalized new Mission, Vision and Values statements that will shape the member association’s work for years to come.
“When I look at what we have accomplished here, this gives me hope, because I am inspired by our collective commitment as CHHSM ministries to creating a just, caring and compassionate world and believing that, because of the work we do everyday, that new world is possible,” says the Rev. Bonnie Condon, CHHSM’s board chair and vice president for faith outreach at UCC-related Advocate Health Care in Chicago, just after the board gave final approval at its November 14-16 meeting in Cleveland.
Michael J. Readinger, president and CEO, congratulated the board for, first, coming to unified agreement on CHHSM’s “Value Propositions” – that is, why CHHSM’s 70 corporate members and 400 ministry sites continue to covenant together, and, second, for giving fresh eyes to CHHSM’s identity and reason for being.
“Understanding, owning and articulating the ‘why’ of an organization’s existence is one of the most important tasks for a nonprofit board to prioritize,” said Readinger, “and this board has stayed true to task in seeing that these deep and sometimes difficult conversations have taken place, for the ministry we are engaged in today.”
The Rev. John C. Dorhauer, UCC general minister and president, joined the CHHSM Board at its closing business session and offered appreciation for CHHSM’s clarity of purpose. “No one embodies the call to love and justice like our CHHSM agencies,” he said.
Dorhauer, Readinger and board members also marveled at how closely the language of CHHSM’s brand platform closely mirrors the one just finalized and released by the UCC Board in October.
“That doesn’t surprise me. After all, we are UCC,” said the Rev. Laverne R. Joseph, president and CEO of CHHSM member Retirement Housing Foundation, based in Long Beach, California.
Here is CHHSM’s newly unveiled brand platform, which will soon be followed by a new strategic plan, a process now underway:
CHHSM Brand Platform:
Value Propositions, Mission, Vision, Values
Value Propositions:
Bold Vision: CHHSM supports member organizations’ transformation of the world through healing and mission ministries to make the world as right as God intends it to be.
Inspired Leaders: Through programs, resources and collaboration, CHHSM supports the leadership and staff of its member organizations who are called to live out a bold vision for change and innovation resulting in a just, caring and compassionate world.
Shared Values: United by a covenantal relationship with the Church and its member UCC health and human service ministries, our values are aligned and guide our actions, decisions and work.
Mission Statement:
Advancing the work of all health and human service ministries of the United Church of Christ in creating a just, caring and compassionate world.
Vision Statement:
Together, we create a just, caring and compassionate world.
Values: CHHSM’s “unshakable” beliefs:
Covenant: We are bound together in service to others, our relationship to the Church and our members.
Inclusion: We extend an extravagant welcome to all who serve others, and to those they serve, regardless of their scope of services or size of organization.
Stewardship: We are accountable for managing all the resources entrusted to our use to support us, and our member organizations, in achieving our missions.
Courage: We stand together in faith, committed to supporting and promoting our members’ bold and innovative solutions that confront the human injustices and prejudices of our social systems.
Servant Leadership: We develop, inspire and support leaders at all levels who are called to serve others.
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Two years after forming the nation’s third-largest not-for-profit integrated health system, Advocate Health is demonstrating its commitment to not only improve, but also transform care for patients ...