New Practical Toolkit Helps Faith and Community Leaders Face Opioid Epidemic
A new toolkit for faith and community leaders recently was unveiled by the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Service, part of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
The toolkit, “Hope & Healing: A practical toolkit for faith and community leaders in the face of the opioid epidemic,” was announced during a National Faith and Community Coalition meeting attended by Michael J. Readinger, president and CEO of CHHSM.
The toolkit cites 2015 statistics showing that in that year alone, more than 52,000 people in the United States died of a drug overdose in the United States. More than 33,000 of those deaths were from opioids. Each day, more than 90 people die of opioid overdoses, and many struggle with addiction and its consequences.
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Into the Deep: Reclaiming Strength in Uncertain Times at CHHSM’s 87th Annual Gathering - CHHSM
When unprecedented change becomes routine, sustaining the work of service can feel thankless, unappreciated, and overwhelming. In uncertain times like these, it is essential for us to come together an...