Ostrem Named CEO at UCC-related Horizon House in Seattle

Mike Ostrem
Horizon House, an older adult community in downtown Seattle, has a new chief executive officer. Mike Ostrem, previously Horizon’s House’s chief financial officer, began his new role as CEO Sept. 11.
Ostrem succeeds Sara McVey, who left Horizon House to become the CEO of Sequoia Living, a multi-site nonprofit organization in San Francisco.
“CHHSM wishes Sara the best as she begins a new journey,” says Michael J. Readinger, president and CEO, “and we look forward to working with Mike on many projects in the future. Together, we advance the work of all health and human service ministries of the United Church of Christ in creating a just, caring and compassionate world.”
The announcement initially was made at the end of July. Ostrem, McVey, and Lauri Warfield-Larson, Horizon House’s health services officer, spent August working closely with staff to determine how best to continue to support the organization while advancing its mission.
Ostrem “has been one of the finest CFOs I have worked with, and he brings a lot of heart and humor to life and leadership at Horizon House,” says McVey of her successor.
Mike Ostrem joined Horizon House in 2013, and assumed an expanded operational role with oversight of facilities, food services, IT, and master plan efforts. Prior to Horizon House, he spent more than 25 years as CFO and COO to emerging and established companies in the legal, retail, management consulting, and e-commerce fields. Ostrem holds a B.A. degree (1978) in business from Washington State University in Pullman, Wash., and an M.B.A. degree (1991) from Seattle University.
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