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CHHSM’s Annual Meeting Offers ‘Sacred Conversations’ to Explore Leadership in a Changing World

By CHHSM Staff | January 14, 2015

What does it mean for an organization to be open and affirming, both to its members and to those it serves? How can CHHSM organizations advance their missions and strengthen relationships with the United Church of Christ? What is the best way to lead in a multicultural, multi-ethnic environment? These compelling issues will be explored…

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CHHSM Organizations Support Ferguson During Crisis

By CHHSM Staff | January 14, 2015

For CHHSM organizations serving the Ferguson, Missouri, area, recent events have led them to find new ways to step in and serve a devastated community. Ferguson, a St. Louis suburb, made headlines last August when an unarmed African-American teen was fatally shot by a white police officer. The town, which was already struggling with poverty…

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Sickbert Leaves Legacy of Passion, Action

By CHHSM Staff | December 15, 2014

When Chicago’s Evangelical Health Systems Corporation and Lutheran General Health System merged to form Advocate Health Care in 1995, the two boards were preoccupied with numerous and complex legal, financial and medical issues. But Bryan Sickbert knew the change offered an additional opportunity — a chance to connect the organizations’ faith-based heritages together amid the…

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2014 Nollau Institute Holds Final Retreat

By CHHSM Staff | December 15, 2014

A close-knit group of 11 people from a variety of CHHSM agencies formed the Nollau Leadership Institute’s 2014 class. The group spent a year together in intensive conversation and reflection, as well as retreats, lectures and meetings. Their time together ended on Dec. 11 with their consecration as CHHSM Diakonal Ministers at the Franciscan Renewal…

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CHHSM Annual Meeting Looks at Embracing Renewal During Change

By CHHSM Staff | December 14, 2014

Faith-based, nonprofit organizations are in the midst of changes that affect business models, funding, client demographics and leadership. How can organizations like CHHSM adjust and even transform within this new environment? CHHSM members will address those challenges at the 77th Annual Meeting, March 5-7, 2015, at Wyndham at Playhouse Square in Cleveland, Ohio. This year’s…

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New CEO Embraces Vision, Call to Serve

By CHHSM Staff | November 13, 2014
Michael J. Readinger

It took less than three seconds for Michael Readinger to decide to formally apply as CHHSM’s new president and CEO when he learned that the Rev. Bryan Sickbert planned to retire at the end of the year. “I’ve been with CHHSM for almost a decade, so this isn’t foreign territory for me,” says Readinger, who…

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Leaders Reflect on Nollau Experience

By CHHSM Staff | November 11, 2014

Marti Coplai had attended countless conferences as a leader in services for older adults. But when her supervisor sent her to the Nollau Institute, she found it was a very different kind of experience. CHHSM’s Nollau Institute is a yearlong program that creates opportunities for small groups of leaders to gather in person and online…

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Readinger Named New CHHSM President and CEO

By CHHSM Staff | October 24, 2014

The Council for Health and Human Service Ministries (CHHSM) Board of Directors Chair Hugh Meyers has announced that the board unanimously elected Michael J. Readinger, current CHHSM vice president, to serve as the next president and CEO of CHHSM. Readinger will succeed the Rev. Bryan Sickbert, who retires at the end of this year after…

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CHHSM Ministries Help Homeless Find Housing

By CHHSM Staff | October 14, 2014

Four years ago, Frank Waddell faced homelessness. Waddell, 37, had just completed substance abuse treatment, but he didn’t have a home or support network until he found Earl’s Place, a transitional housing project of CHHSM ministry United Ministries in Baltimore, Maryland. “I needed the structure and support,” says Waddell, who moved into permanent housing in…

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CHHSM Mobilizes to Support Ferguson

By CHHSM Staff | October 14, 2014

CHHSM convened more than a dozen members Sept. 26 to discuss the current situation in Ferguson, Missouri, where Michael Brown, an unarmed 18-year-old black man, was shot by a white police officer in early August. The incident, which triggered continuing rioting and protests, prompted CHHSM to explore ways members could work together to serve ongoing health and…

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Join CHHSM via livestream today at 5:15 p.m. ET for a special CHHSM Annual Gathering worship service coming from Old South UCC in Boston. This special service will include preaching by the Rev. Darrell Goodwin, executive conference minister of the UCC’s Southern New England Conference, and the consecration of this year’s Nollau Leadership Institute class as Diakonal Ministers. You won’t want to ... See MoreSee Less
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