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This story by Jen Winchester shows one way United Church Homes took one of the disadvantages created by the pandemic and created something wonderful. It is reprinted with permission from the Spring 2021 issue of Spirit magazine. The dining teams across United Church Homes’ communities are known for their delicious dishes. When dining rooms closed…
Read MoreThe UCC’s Council for Health and Human Service Ministries announced June 24 the release of its 2020 Annual Report. The online report centers on the responses of CHHSM and its member ministries to the dual public health crises of the past year: COVID-19 and systemic racism. The report is focused on the theme, “Justice and…
Read MoreCindy Richart, Vice President of Pharmacy Operations for Phoebe Ministries in Allentown, Pa., has been selected to receive LeadingAge PA’s 2021 Distinguished Service Award for Leader of the Year. Rachel Gullett, Director of Nursing at Phoebe Richland Health Care Center, has been selected to receive LeadingAge PA’s 2021 Distinguished Service Award for Manager of the Year. LeadingAge PA is a statewide, nonprofit…
Read MoreReason to Have Hope: A Public Health Response to Racism — a multi-part, online, interactive, and highly adaptable course created by CHHSM — is now online! It is being released today (June 18) ahead of and in recognition of the Juneteenth holiday. “We are thrilled to offer ‘Reason to Hope’ as a means of helping…
Read MoreThe CHHSM Board of Directors, meeting online June 7-9, focused a large portion of its meeting reviewing the commitments made by the Board, staff, and members in the June 2020 statement on the pandemic of systemic racism. At the top of the list was the final report of the organization’s recently completed Race, Diversity, Equity,…
Read MoreAn important CHHSM webinar on “Sustainability, Scale and Sophistication for Single-Site Providers” will be hosted June 21at 2 p.m. ET by long-time Annual Gathering sponsor Ziegler. The webinar will discuss: The need for single-site providers to thrive, not just survive. The vision needed to move forward. Tools needed to enhance scale, explore partnerships, and make…
Read MoreBy Dr. Brian Temple, an infectious disease physician at Aurora Medical Center in Oshkosh, Wis. Reprinted from CHHSM member Advocate Aurora Health’s COVID-19 Update e-news blast of June 7, 2021, and Advocate Health E-News website. Long has mistrust of the medical community lingered among our Black and Brown communities. And now with the COVID-19 vaccine,…
Read MoreFormer CHHSM Scholar Essence Ellis has been named the first-ever recipient of the CHHSM & JLCM United Church of Christ Fellowship. The program was created by CHHSM and the UCC’s Justice and Local Church Ministries (JLCM) to prepare the fellow to become a leader working at the intersections of theology, public health, racial justice, gender…
Read MoreReason to Have Hope: A Public Health Response to Racism — a multi-part, online, interactive, and highly adaptable course created by CHHSM — is now online. The innovative, user-friendly curriculum is geared for a group learning environment, and includes history, current events, theology, stories of resilience, and the intersections of race and social issues to…
Read MoreIn 2019, the Rev. Dr. Gloria Brown, senior staff chaplain at Advocate Trinity Hospital in Chicago, planted the seed of an idea during an Advocate Partners of Faith and Health Network (PFHN) meeting: Why not keep daily journals, writing down something for which they were grateful each day? Brown’s colleague, Patricia A. Jackson, CHW, with…
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CHHSM Nollau Consecration Service
The Nollau Consecration service is a deeply spiritual and celebratory event where the 2024-2025 class of CHHSM's Nollau Leadership Institute will be consecra...