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New Plymouth Place Leader Finds Calling in a Place Called ‘Home’

By Barb Powell | July 10, 2018

For Jay Biere, assuming the role of chief executive officer of UCC-related Plymouth Place Senior Living in LaGrange, Ill., is like coming home — to his children and grandchildren who live in the area, and to his sense of call. Biere, who started at Plymouth Place in January, says he felt that sense of call…

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CHHSM Annual Report Emphasizes Ministry in Action Through UCC’s 3 Great Loves Initiative

By Barb Powell | July 10, 2018

The UCC’s Council for Health and Human Service Ministries has released its 2017 Annual Report. While summarizing its member ministries’ events of the past year, the report also looks eagerly to the future as it describes the many ways CHHSM members embody the UCC’s 3 Great Loves initiative through action and service. For example, almost…

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CHHSM Program Gives Residents a ‘Passport to Travel’

By Barb Powell | July 5, 2018

When Jan and Dave Braby arrived at the United Church of Christ’s Horizon House in Seattle as part of CHHSM’s Passport to Travel program, they were greeted by staff members in green and blue sports attire. The Brabys — long-time Green Bay Packers fans — had arrived on a Thursday, and the Seahawks were playing…

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United Church of Christ Leader Sickened by Supreme Court Decision Upholding Muslim Ban

By Barb Powell | June 26, 2018

The Rev. John C. Dorhauer, general minister and president of the United Church of Christ, today (June 26) responded on Facebook to the 5-4 Supreme Court decision upholding President Trump’s travel ban policy. “We incarcerate or kill black and brown bodies at will and with full impunity. We erect Muslim bans, build walls … and…

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CHHSM Fund Creates, Leaves Lasting Legacy

By Barb Powell | June 25, 2018

“When I came into the first CHHSM events I attended, I felt a new dimension of my call to ministry.” That’s how current CHHSM Scholar Emily Howard describes her experience of being introduced to the world of CHHSM members. Howard is one of many people who have benefited from the services and programs provided by…

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Two Legislators Name Peppermint Ridge a California Nonprofit of the Year

By Barb Powell | June 25, 2018

Peppermint Ridge — a United Church of Christ-affiliated organization based in Corona, Calif., that serves persons with disabilities — was recognized June 6 as a California Nonprofit of the Year. But at the award ceremony, The Ridge was first, and unique, among equals. Two of the region’s legislators — Sen. Richard Roth (D-Calif.) and Assembly…

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Children are the Silent Victims of the Opioid Crisis

By CHHSM-Member Ministry Contribution | June 15, 2018

By Randall J. Rider, MS, LSW, LMFT, President and CEO, Crossroad Child and Family Services This article is reprinted with permission from the Spring 2018 issue of The Messenger, the newsletter of Crossroad. Though it specifically addresses the opioid situation in Indiana, it rings true across the United States. When my last child outgrew the…

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Strengthening the Ties that Bind: CHHSM Affinity Groups Foster Innovative Connections

By Barb Powell | June 11, 2018

One hallmark of the UCC’s Council for Health and Human Service Ministries is the extent to which its members offer support to, with, and for one another — both professionally and personally. And CHHSM’s established Affinity Groups provide the vehicle for this relationship-building among member ministries. “Affinity Groups meet either quarterly or semiannually,” says Mary…

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Writers at Large: Phoebe Ministries Residents Find Community through Written Word

By CHHSM-Member Ministry Contribution | June 11, 2018

When Ronnie Backenstoe sat down to write her autobiography, she said to herself, “What did I get myself into? I’ve never written a thing in my life!” Eight “good” chapters and more than 300 pages later, Backenstoe was ready to publish. “I got writing and I didn’t know when to stop!” she laughs. “The more…

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Arcadia Residents Showcase Egguery Creations

By CHHSM-Member Ministry Contribution | June 8, 2018

What better way to get into the spring season than by showcasing the art form called “Egguery”! Residents of Arcadia continue to impress people with their hobbies and skill sets, and egguery is the latest showcase of their diverse talents. On display in Arcadia’s lobby is an assortment of different decorated eggs, from ostrich, duck,…

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