RHF Encourages CHHSM Members to Partner For Disaster Relief

Contributed by Retirement Housing Foundation.

On April 25, a 7.8 magnitude earthquake struck Nepal causing significant damage and destruction in Kathmandu and surrounding areas. That earthquake, the worst to hit Nepal in over 80 years, also triggered a deadly avalanche on Mount Everest. Over the last few weeks, Nepal has had several strong aftershocks, the largest measuring a 7.3 magnitude on May 12. This second major earthquake brought down buildings already weakened by the earthquake three weeks ago and caused additional landslides in the valleys near Mount Everest.

Several team members, board members, and UCC local congregations inquired about whether Retirement Housing Foundation will respond with a matching fund, the way we have with previous disasters.

RHF’s board of directors agreed to partner with the United Church of Christ Disaster Relief to support essential on-the-ground relief efforts. For those who respond through RHF, RHF will match gifts up to a grand total of $50,000. (So if RHF receives gifts of $50,000, the organization will send $100,000 to aid in the relief efforts.)

To participate in this matching opportunity, please mail your check or money order to RHF Foundation. RHF Foundation will channel these donations through UCC Disaster Ministries, which is a program supported by the United Church of Christ to provide disaster relief and rehabilitation programming. RHF will match gifts received through June 15, 2015.

We invite our friends and members of the UCC’s Council for Health and Human Service Ministries (CHHSM) to participate. Please feel free to photocopy and distribute this memo to family, friends, neighbors, places of worship, co-workers – anyone and everyone.

Please make your check payable to RHF Disaster Response Fund, and note “Nepal” on the memo line. Mail to:

Retirement Housing Foundation
Attn: Stephanie Titus, Vice President of Philanthropy
911 North Studebaker Road
Long Beach, CA 90815

Gifts can also be made online here.

RHF’s dollar-for-dollar match will be in effect through June 15, 2015. Gifts received after that date will not be matched by RHF funds. We will report funds raised through this RHF matching program in our 2015 annual report.

Please contact Stephanie Titus at stephanie.titus@rhf.org or 562-257-5141 if you have any questions, and thanks for your support!

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