Save the Date: Next in CHHSM Webinar Series Takes Place Sept. 27

The next event in the CHHSM webinar series takes place Monday, Sept. 27, from 2 till 3 p.m. EST. The webinar — from Care Purchasing Services (CPS), the group purchasing agent behind the CHHSM Store — features a 30-minute presentation from one of the CPS vendors, EyeClick, on an innovative advanced, interactive gaming console geared to older adults.
The webinar takes place on Google meet.
The console, called Obie, projects custom-made games onto any surfaces — tabletops, floors, and walls — encouraging active play through touching, moving, and hand-eye coordination skills on the displayed images.
The Obie system supports the core principles of wellness — cognitve stimulation, physical activity and social interactions. The experience of each game can be tailormade to suit any person’s needs and abilities, and helps enhance overall wellness.
Studies have shown that the Obie console helps improve mobility. A cognitive activity, it also promotes increased social interactions among older adult participants.
The webinar is geared toward older adult CHHSM communities and outreach organizations. Look for sign up information soon.
Attend the webinar via Google meet. Or call in at 1-575-459-0043 (PIN 979894518).
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