Survey Results to Help CHHSM Better Serve Members

CHHSMThe UCC Council for Health and Human Service Ministries today (Nov. 21) released the results of its Member Engagement Survey. Sent out earlier this fall, the survey’s response rate was nearly double the industry standard. The results have been so helpful that CHHSM plans incorporate an annual membership survey, and to look for other ways to increase membership feedback.

“We are pleased to report that 60 percent of respondents rated the overall value of their CHHSM membership as excellent or very good. A third of those respondents who identified themselves were CEOs or executive directors — it feels great to know those leading our organizations are so engaged,” said the Rev. George Graham, CHHSM vice president, in a communique to members.

Additionally, more than 40 percent of respondents were graduates of CHHSM’s Nollau Leadership Institute. The institute is a one-year training program that helps UCC leaders understand and incorporate serving leadership principles into their work and personal lives, as well as to discern their call as Diakonal Ministers. “Some other striking results included the Nollau Leadership Institute being our most highly ranked program, with 63 percent rating it as excellent or very good,” Graham said, “and the very high value people place on the relationships they form through membership, with 73 percent rating relationship building through CHHSM as excellent or very good.”

Based on survey results, CHHSM staff will work to improve its Annual Gatherings and to use its website and Diakonie e-newsletter to more effectively communicate about its programs and benefits, including the CHHSM Store.  Graham told members that one of the biggest takeaways from the survey is the need to continue providing opportunities for leadership training and formation, as well as supporting members in building relationships in all CHHSM-related work.

“The survey results also affirm the increased attention we are giving to advocacy and connections to conferences and the wider church, and we are working diligently on all of these fronts,” said Graham.

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