Hope Springs Eternal

By Michael Readinger | December 10, 2020

December. A final column for 2020. A year like none ever experienced by 99.9 percent of us. Advent. As my thoughts swirl like blowing leaves of autumn and the first snows of winter; as I remember columns I have written at the end of each of the last 6 years; as I reflect on the…

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Racial Equity, COVID-19 Ramifications to Focus Workshop Topics for CHHSM’s Annual Gathering

By Barb Powell | December 10, 2020

The UCC’s Council for Health and Human Service Ministries is planning a variety of meaningful workshops during its virtual Annual Gathering — Together in Hope — which takes place online March 2-4, 2021. The workshops, offered by several CHHSM members and partners, are designed to include presentations as well as real-time discussion on topics affecting…

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UCC-related Tougaloo College Awards Daniel Presidential Citation

By CHHSM-Member Ministry Contribution | December 9, 2020

Earlier this fall, Tougaloo (Miss.) College, an Historically Black College founded by the UCC’s American Missionary Association, presented the Rev. Kenneth V. Daniel, CEO and president of United Church Homes, with its prestigious Presidential Citation during the college’s 151st Founders’ Convocation. The award was presented for Daniel’s lifelong work and commitment to senior healthcare and…

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Bellewood & Brooklawn Mission: Providing Care from Childhood through Adulthood

By Barb Powell | December 9, 2020

It’s an all-too-familiar story: “Sarah” arrived at UCC-related Bellewood & Brooklawn in Louisville, Ky., at age 15 after years of abuse and trauma. Deserted in infancy, she had been raised by a family friend, whom she called “aunt,” and then by a sister. Sarah was a victim of sexual abuse at age 12 and began…

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Faith, Community Sustains Staff, Clients at United Church Outreach Ministry

By Barb Powell | December 8, 2020

For frontline nonprofits like United Church Outreach Ministry in Wyoming, Mich., colder weather and the holiday season always means finding new ways to meet the basic, ongoing needs of clients. But with the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic throwing a spanner in the works, adaptability has been key. “UCOM is nothing if not flexible,” says the Rev.…

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CHHSM Board Approves Grants to Five Nonprofits Battling Systemic Racism

By Barb Powell | December 7, 2020

During its fall meeting, the Board of Directors of the UCC’s Council for Health and Human Service Ministries approved grants to five organizations working to end systemic racism. The grants were announced following the meeting, held virtually Nov. 16-18, 2020. Grants in the amount of $3,000 each will be given to the Grassroots Law Project,…

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Nollau Graduate Watson One of Three Tapped for Leadership Roles at Embrace Living Communities

By CHHSM Staff | December 4, 2020

UCC-related Embrace Living Communities, based in Oak Brook, Ill., announced in November the appointment of three new leadership team members. Leading the list is Greg Watson, former director of plant operations, who has been promoted to vice president of operations. Watson is a 2018-2019 graduate of CHHSM’s year-long Nollau Leadership Institute and was consecrated as…

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Urge Lawmakers to Provide Crucial Additional Nonprofit Relief Before Adjourning

By CHHSM Staff | December 4, 2020

With provisions from the CARES Act expiring at the end of the month, along with an expected surge in Coronavirus cases, resources will be stretched just when our communities need us most.  CHHSM and Lutheran Services in America are joining with countless other health and human service ministries in asking everyone to help make an…

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Life Experiences, Research Combine to Create Successful Horizons of Aging Summit Affirming LGBTQ Older Adults

By Barb Powell | December 3, 2020

Personal stories from older LGBTQ+ adults, research and data analysis, and honest conversations on next steps all combined to create a successful 2020 Horizons of Aging Summit virtual event. Held Nov. 16-18, 2020, the Summit was presented by the Ruth Frost Parker Center for Abundant Aging of United Church Homes and Rainbow Eldercare of Greater…

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Pennington Named New Executive Director of Back Bay Mission

By CHHSM-Member Ministry Contribution | December 3, 2020

The Board of Directors of Back Bay Mission are pleased to announce that the Rev. James Pennington is the new executive director of Back Bay Mission. He begins his new duties in February 2021. With the retirement of the Rev. Alice Graham,  the Board of Directors began a nationwide search for her replacement.  Pennington, a Mississippian,…

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