Not long after Easter Sunday 2020, Betty Smith received a letter from her dad, which he sent to her at Notre Dame College in South Euclid, Ohio. What makes this event more than just another dad sending a student a letter from home is the postmark: April 29, 1947. Today, Smith, 92, resides at Parkvue…
Read MoreExtraordinary times call for extraordinary measures, and for the staff and residents of UCC-related Fairhaven Senior Services in Whitewater, Wis., life during the pandemic fits the bill. During the week of May 18, Fairhaven provided COVID-19 testing for all of its 420 residents and staff members. This included Fairhaven’s Prairie Village 55+ community as well…
Read MoreEmmanuel “Manny” Njamfon, a licensed practical nurse at UCC-related Phoebe Allentown (Pa.), has received LeadingAge PA’s 2020 Distinguished Service Award for Caregiver of the Year for licensed caregivers, and Sharon Bender, a housekeeper at Phoebe Allentown, has received LeadingAge PA’s 2020 Distinguished Service Award for Staff Member of the Year. The Distinguished Service Awards Program,…
Read MoreThe Board and staff of the UCC’s Council for Health and Human Service Ministries (CHHSM) recently released a statement calling systemic racism a pandemic and pledging an increased financial commitment, additional programming, and a larger focus on advocacy work to end systemic racism. The statement was issued at the end of the Board’s virtual Zoom…
Read MoreFor the nurses at Deaconess Nurse Ministry (DNM) in St. Louis, serving others is a calling. Especially during the current pandemic, their role in providing support and care to families in need is critical. One recent story illustrates the need. When the Rev. Donna Smith-Pupillo RN, executive director of Deaconess, read an email from Elizabeth…
Read MoreFor many people, the best way to learn something is by doing. With careers that are hands-on, such as nursing, on-the-job training is crucial. Cedar Community — a UCC-related older adult community in West Bend, Wis. — works with local colleges, high schools, and organizations to provide valuable, real life training opportunities for students. Working…
Read MoreBy Alissa Paolella, communications coordinator for United Church Homes* In the past 50 years, research into loneliness and social isolation has skyrocketed. Breakthroughs in genetics and immunology allow researchers to measure, with great precision, the impact of loneliness on long-term physical and psychological health. It’s become a known, universal problem, one the U.S. Department of…
Read MoreUnited Church Homes (UCH) communities have been recertified in SAGECare cultural competency training for those working with the LGBT community. The program is offered through SAGE, a national advocacy and services organization that’s been looking out for LGBT older adults since 1978. “Many LGBT older adults may be uncomfortable or fearful being open about their…
Read MoreFrom LeadingAge: Congress is considering the next major coronavirus relief package. NOW is the time to make your voice heard as the House of Representatives has started introducing key provisions. We are pleased with key provisions in the new Health and Economic Recovery Omnibus Emergency Solutions Act, or the HEROES Act, but want to ensure…
Read MoreA few years ago, Karen Stanford, manager of the emergency department at Advocate Lutheran Hospital — part of Advocate Aurora Health — in Park Ridge, Ill., learned how important it is to recognize and help victims of human trafficking. In a conversation with her children, her daughter — then 12 — casually mentioned that someone…
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Protect Medicaid and Food Stamps: Tell Congress to Stop Stealing from the Poor to Give to the Rich!
“When machines and computers, profit motives and property rights are considered more important than people the giant triplets of racism, economic exploitation and militarism are incapable of being c...