Council for Health and Human Service Ministries

Kentucky volunteers make the difference for Uspiritus

By Barb Powell | May 25, 2017

We’ve all heard the African proverb, “It takes a village to raise a child.” At United Church of Christ-related Uspiritus in Louisville, Ky., it takes the whole community. As with all CHHSM-member ministries, Uspiritus relies on volunteers from many local businesses and churches. For example, the main UPS hub in Louisville leads a number of…

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Cedar Community Seminar Series is Resource for Whole Community

By Barb Powell | May 19, 2017

Navigating the sea of options for senior living and senior healthcare can be difficult, if not impossible, at times. But a new program at United Church of Christ-related Cedar Community is helping seniors and their families chart a course to confident decision making. “Every Step with Cedar Community” is an ongoing, educational seminar series geared…

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