Council for Health and Human Service Ministries
Oct. 31, 2017 marks a special date in church history: the 500th anniversary of Catholic monk Martin Luther nailing his 95 theses on the door of Castle Church in Wittenberg, Germany. The act sparked the Protestant Reformation. CHHSM Associate for Leadership and Advocacy the Rev. Danielle Bartz, recently returned from Wittenberg, where she represented the…
Read MoreThe United Church of Christ’s Council for Health and Human Service Ministries works with its member ministries and partners to cultivate and empower servant leaders for health and human service ministry. Its Nollau Leadership Institute, a year-long program focused on spiritual formation and preparation for leadership, helps accomplish that goal. “I enjoyed everything about my…
Read MoreOn Saturday, Oct. 21, more than 100 residents and friends of EdenHill Communities in New Braunfels, Texas, are expected to join in and help celebrate EdenHill’s Altenheim Day 2017. “We couldn’t be more excited to celebrate the rich pioneer heritage and tradition of giving in our community that helps sustain EdenHill,” says Larry Dahl, EdenHill’s…
Read MoreExperts in psychology, longevity and geriatrics will discuss Aging in the 21st Century at the 2017 Ruth Frost Parker Center for Abundant Aging second annual Symposium from 9:30 to 3 p.m. Oct. 20 in Columbus. Registration is $25 and is available at The registration fee covers the cost of lunch and four CEU’s for…
Read MoreAs the relief work and rebuilding from Hurricane Harvey continues, the United Church of Christ’s EdenHill Communities of New Braunfels, Texas, has volunteered to serve as a collection site for donated items. In Texas since 1910, EdenHill — formerly Eden Home, Inc. — has long had a strong connection to the community. “When we were…
Read MoreNaomi “Deane” Ruppert, long-time UCC Council for Health and Human Service Ministries supporter and former CEO of the United Church of Christ’s Emmaus Homes in Missouri, died Sept. 14, 2017, at her home in the Cambridge Independent Living Center in Springfield, Mo. She was 86. Ruppert spent her career advocating for and helping people with…
Read MoreBelow are links to three insightful articles about the Federal Reserve, the global economy and the impact of demographic changes on investing from our fund managers Western Asset Management and State Street Global Advisors for your information. Reducing Bond Prices, Western Asset Management, September 20, 2017 This article provides a market outlook following Federal Open Market Committee’s (FOMC) announcement…
Read MoreGroomed, flattered, tricked. Violated. Children as young as 8, as old as 17, often are easy marks for child sex and/or labor traffickers in the United States. And once trapped, the children can’t escape without help. In Illinois, United Church of Christ-related Hoyleton Youth and Family Services works with community and federal partners to help…
Read MoreMaryalice Roush was shocked recently when she learned she had been selected to receive one of United Church Homes’ most prestigious awards for philanthropists. “I was just stunned. I know another woman who got it years ago who was a big contributor. But I’m not even close to that. I never thought of myself as…
Read MoreRepresentatives of two completely different systems of service in health and human service ministries came together for a week in Germany, exchanged ideas, and left inspired for the future. A seven-member delegation from the United Church of Christ’s Council for Health and Human Service Ministries met Sept. 6-13, 2017, with representatives from Diakonie Rheinland-Westfalen-Lippe (RWL),…
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“When machines and computers, profit motives and property rights are considered more important than people the giant triplets of racism, economic exploitation and militarism are incapable of being c...