Council for Health and Human Service Ministries
Advocate Aurora Health announced in July that 13 of the health system’s adult hospitals were named to the U.S. News & World Report ‘Best Hospitals’ list in addition to Advocate Children’s Hospital, which was recognized this summer as a top pediatric hospital. “Even in the face of one of the most difficult years we have experienced as a health care organization, our physicians, nurses and team members have once again…
Read MoreThe Rev. Kenneth Daniel, president and CEO of United Church Homes, will serve on a panel of CEOs for multi-site senior living organizations at this year’s virtual Ziegler Senior Living + Finance Strategy Conference. Each year, Ziegler’s annual conference features CEOs from progressive organizations who serve as strong examples to their peers. The live panel…
Read MoreOne historic outreach within the UCC’s Council for Health and Human Service Ministries is providing services to and advocating with and for persons with disabilities. And, as the August installment of the Be A Voice Health and Human Services Advocacy Toolkit — produced by CHHSM and the UCC’s Justice and Witness Ministries office in Washington,…
Read MoreAs I write this column, I cannot avoid or suppress my intense emotions due to the death from COVID-19 of a very dear and close friend. I contemplated skipping this issue’s letter, but I would rather own and state my feelings in what I say here than dishonor my memories of Dan by being silent.…
Read MoreFor a dozen or so youth at Bethany Children’s Home in Womelsdorf, Pa., July 15 was extra special. The youth were treated to a special pottery-making day, thanks to Linda Aragon, Bethany’s art instructor, who hosted visiting artist Hadley Wiktor. Wiktor, who specializes in ceramics and fiber arts, led three groups of youth in pottery…
Read MoreSometimes Care Purchasing Services (CPS) — the group purchasing agent behind the CHHSM Store — provides much needed items at a cost savings during emergencies, as in the current COVID crisis. But other times, CHHSM members save money in quiet ways that can go unnoticed until the savings is realized. A good example of this…
Read MoreWhen the COVID-19 stay at home orders were issued in March, CHHSM member United Caring Services (UCS) knew it had to continue to help the local Evansville, Ind., community it serves. UCS provides emergency and essential services via its day shelter, men’s and women’s night shelters, medical respite, and apartments, and has not closed any…
Read MoreBackground As we shared last this week, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is considering a possible distribution of CARES Act Provider Relief Funds to private-pay assisted living/memory care providers that are stand-alone or part of a CCRC, located in the U.S states and territories. Argentum, ASHA, NCAL, and LeadingAge are assisting…
Read MoreMichael J. Readinger, president and CEO of the United Church of Christ’s Council for Health and Human Service Ministries today (July 30) sent a letter on behalf of the 435 CHHSM member organizations to Republican members of the U.S. Senate imploring them to add provisions for vulnerable populations to the draft Health, Economic Assistance, Liability…
Read MoreAs Congress negotiates the next COVID relief package, 10 associations of faith-based and mission-driven aging and disability service providers joined with the UCC’s Council for Health and Human Service Ministries to demand that lawmakers include comprehensive relief measures to safeguard older adults and care workers. In a letter today to Congress and the Administration, they…
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Advocate Health Transforming Care for Patients and Communities - CHHSM
Two years after forming the nation’s third-largest not-for-profit integrated health system, Advocate Health is demonstrating its commitment to not only improve, but also transform care for patients ...