Council for Health and Human Service Ministries
There is a season, turn, turn, turn. — Pete Seeger It looks like summer is finally here in the Midwest. May days will soon lead to June, July and August. As I am writing this, we have an upper 80-degree day with sunny skies! For some odd reason, Peter Seeger’s lyrics from The Byrds’ 1965…
Read MoreThe United Church of Christ’s Neighborhood Houses had a dilemma: how to redefine its identity and messaging so that the community would understand its outreach work. The solution? Partnering with orgstory, a member of the CHHSM Consultants Network. “Orgstory helped Neighborhood Houses transition to its new identity as Unleashing Potential, changes that included rethinking how…
Read MoreIt’s not every day that residents of an older adult community can say they live in a building once frequented by the rich and famous. But then, LaFontaine Center in Huntington, Ind., isn’t your everyday place. Built in 1925, the former LaFontaine Hotel was a hot destination spot for movie stars and jet set clientele,…
Read MoreFor CHHSM and its ministries, the key is servant leadership. To that end, CHHSM provides two different types of programming for its member organizations and other United Church of Christ ministries, the year-long Nollau Institute and the Nollau To You one-day seminar experience. Recently, participants in the 2018-2019 Nollau Institute held the first of three…
Read MoreFor United Church Homes, its recent Platinum Certification in SAGECare — a cultural competency training program for organizations serving older adults — is all part of its larger vision and mission of creating abundant life in community. In 2012, the UCH Board of Directors voted to become Open and Affirming, a designation within the United…
Read MoreAs those who attended the 2018 CHHSM Annual Gathering already know, this year’s event was a resounding success, filled with meaningful worship experiences, inspiring speakers, and motivational workshops. But now, CHHSM has the data to prove it! Thanks to a record-breaking number of attendees — which averaged 125/day — plus the generous sponsorship of CHHSM…
Read MoreThe United Church of Christ’s Retirement Housing Foundation, based in Long Beach, Calif., takes seriously its dual commitments to affordable housing and being good stewards of creation. Its Sonata at Riverpark is just one example of RHF’s ministry at work. Opened in 2016, Sonata at Riverpark is a 52-unit, tax credit community for low-income families…
Read MoreUnited Church Homes recently reached an agreement to acquire a six-building, 40-unit affordable senior housing community and a five-building, 60-unit senior housing community from National Church Residences. The closing date for the communities was April 26. The final price for Gateway Commons, Columbus, Mississippi, and Boardtown Village, Starkville, Mississippi, is undisclosed, per an agreement between…
Read MoreThe Child Advocacy Movement of the Children’s Defense Fund has taken root across the United States. And, thanks to the United Church of Christ’s Deaconess Foundation, that movement is helping St. Louis-area children close achievement gaps through a seven-week CDF program inspired by the Freedom Schools of the Civil Rights Movement. The Rev. Starsky Wilson,…
Read MorePhoebe Ministries announces the following change in staffing: Stacey L. Prohaska was appointed Director of Institutional Advancement at Phoebe Ministries. In this position, Prohaska will provide overall leadership for the institutional advancement program to ensure that Phoebe’s fundraising goals are achieved. Previously, Prohaska served as Director of Development and Community Relations at Circle of Seasons…
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RHF Celebrates Groundbreaking of Central Metro Place Mixed-Income Older Adult Community - CHHSM
On July 19, 2024, more than 70 community members, city officials, and project stakeholders gathered to break ground for Retirement Housing Foundation’s (RHF) Central Metro Place, a new mixed-income ...