Diakonie RWL
This interview was conducted by Sabine Damaschke, part of the German delegation from Diakonie Rheinland Westphalia Lippe (RWL), during the delegation’s attendance at CHHSM’s Annual Gathering in St. Louis. At this year’s annual gathering of our U.S. partner deaconry, the Council for Health and Human Service Ministries (CHHSM), a German delegation from Diakonie Rheinland Westphalia…
Read MoreThe United Church of Christ’s health and human service ministries vary greatly in size, scope, and populations they are called to serve. But they all have one thing in common: searching for solutions to how best to minister to the people they serve. In March, the role of advocacy in ministry takes center stage at…
Read MoreRepresentatives of two completely different systems of service in health and human service ministries came together for a week in Germany, exchanged ideas, and left inspired for the future. A seven-member delegation from the United Church of Christ’s Council for Health and Human Service Ministries met Sept. 6-13, 2017, with representatives from Diakonie Rheinland-Westfalen-Lippe (RWL),…
Read MoreAs an unhealthy (in my world view) focus on nationalism has gained its hold on our nation politically, I am reminded how much we stand to gain by expanding our understanding of the practices and policies of our international peers and allies. Recent natural disaster activity reminds me of the importance of caring for our…
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Into the Deep: Reclaiming Strength in Uncertain Times at CHHSM’s 87th Annual Gathering - CHHSM
When unprecedented change becomes routine, sustaining the work of service can feel thankless, unappreciated, and overwhelming. In uncertain times like these, it is essential for us to come together an...