Elon Homes
Two Charlotte, N.C., philanthropic organizations recently gave UCC-related Elon Homes a much needed gift of support. The Duke Endowment, which strengthens communities in North Carolina and South Carolina by nurturing children, promoting health, educating minds and enriching spirits, awarded Elon’s Foster Care Village a grant of $100,000. Similarly, the Merancas Foundation awarded Foster Care Village…
Read MoreThe data is in, and it’s stunning! In its first two years of operation, UCC-related Elon Homes’ Foster Care Village has met or exceeded its goals in providing care and assistance to its young adult residents. From residents enrolling in further education or finding jobs to learning more about household finance and credit counseling, the…
Read MoreFormer Elon Homes’ Board of Governors member Barbara McCauley Tapscott, Ph.D., died Aug. 4, 2019, in Burlington, N.C., from complications of pneumonia. Tapscott served on the Elon board for almost 15 years, and was named a Governor Emeritus in 2013. “Barbara had a deep and abiding concern for all children and spent a lifetime of…
Read MoreFor more than 100 years, UCC-related Elon Homes in Charlotte, N.C., has been a safe haven for children and youth, providing education and employment opportunities to guide low income or otherwise disadvantaged children and youth toward fulfilling, independent adulthood. Now, a grant from the Cannon Foundation in Concord, N.C., is helping Elon Homes extend those…
Read MoreA 65-cent donation has come a long way. That’s how much a young girl put in the offering plate at a church meeting in 1892, saying she’d like it to grow into an orphanage for children. Her dream was realized 15 years later and, today, the United Church of Christ’s Elon Homes of North Carolina…
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“When machines and computers, profit motives and property rights are considered more important than people the giant triplets of racism, economic exploitation and militarism are incapable of being c...