From Our Ministries
Some classes, like Arizona history, strike close to home. Others, like astronomy, stretch to the far reaches of space. For the curious-minded at Beatitudes Campus, a CHHSM member ministry in Phoenix, there are no limits to learning. The Beatitudes Center for Lifelong Learners offers courses in the arts, sciences and history for residents of the…
Read MoreA savings of $1,000 is a big deal, especially for a small daycare center. When Park’s Edge Preschool, an outreach program of Emanuel Church, UCC, in Hales Corner, Wis., decided it was costing too much money to maintain its 10-year-old bus, Gene Detert, the school’s board president, knew where to go for advice. He contacted…
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CHHSM's 87th Annual Gathering began officially this morning with opening worship, led by inspiring words from UCC General Minister and President, the Rev. Dr. Karen Georgia A. Thompson.