Isaiah 58 Ministries
Isaiah 58 Ministries’ annual Back-to-School event, held Saturday, Sept. 6, 2024, was a day filled with activities and resources for the whole family. With the support of many St. Louis-area churches, organizations and local agencies, Isaiah 58 Ministries was able to help prepare more than 200 children and their families for the upcoming school year.…
Read MoreAfter almost three years of focusing primarily on essential services, Isaiah 58 Ministries in St. Louis hosted a Health and Wellness Fair for guests and community members. On Oct. 25, 2023, eight area agencies gathered in Isaiah 58 Ministries’ fellowship hall to provide an abundance of information and resources to attendees. Throughout the day, speakers…
Read MoreNow when you reap the harvest of your land, you shall not reap to the very corners of your field, nor shall you gather the gleanings of your harvest. Nor shall you glean your vineyard, nor shall you gather the fallen fruit of your vineyard; you shall leave them for the needy and for the stranger.…
Read MoreConnection. If one word can sum up three days of worship, workshops, keynotes, meetings, and social gatherings, it’s connection — at least in terms of the 85th Annual Gathering of the UCC Council for Health and Human Service Ministries, themed “Together through Mountains and Valleys” and held March 7-9 in Denver. “The 85th Annual Gathering…
Read MoreBy the Rev. Brenda Booth, executive director. Reprinted from the Isaiah 58 Ministries website blog. Isaiah 58 Ministries is based in South St. Louis, Mo. Every Friday morning around 9 a.m., people begin to gather on the back parking pad at 2149 South Grand Blvd. in St. Louis. Tables are set out, volunteers arrive, and…
Read MoreFrom the introduction of the Rev. Dr. Alton B. Pollard III — president of Louisville Presbyterian Seminary — as opening keynoter to the Rev. Dr. Jamesetta Ferguson’s (MOLO Village) powerful words during the closing worship service, CHHSM’s 84th Annual Gathering was a time of reflection, celebration, healing, and looking ahead that left attendees praising its…
Read MoreBy the Rev. Dr. Paul Davis, director of Clay Street Table Last week in Louisville, Kentucky, at its 84th Annual Gathering (and first in person since the pandemic), members of The Council of Health & Human Services Ministries of the United Church of Christ (CHHSM) — vaccinated, boosted, and health-screened daily for COVID — heard about our…
Read MoreSocial injustices are becoming more obvious and recognizable during this time of the coronavirus pandemic, and CHHSM’s faith-based health and human service ministries are continuing and strengthening their outreach in their local communities. One main area of focus is food insecurity, the topic of the July installment of the Be A Voice Health and Human…
Read MoreFrom a pre-conference visit to the National Civil Rights Museum at the Lorraine Motel — where the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated — to the Rev. Traci Blackmon’s stirring words during the closing worship, the UCC’s Council for Health and Human Service Ministries’ 82nd Annual Gathering left attendees moved, inspired, and recommitted…
Read MoreEach December in communities across the United States, local churches and agencies hold “adopt-a-family” events to help provide Christmas gifts to low-income families. For many years, UCC-related Isaiah 58 Ministries in St. Louis partnered with one such program, but saw the need to serve even more families. So six years ago, it expanded the idea.…
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RHF Celebrates Groundbreaking of Central Metro Place Mixed-Income Older Adult Community - CHHSM
On July 19, 2024, more than 70 community members, city officials, and project stakeholders gathered to break ground for Retirement Housing Foundation’s (RHF) Central Metro Place, a new mixed-income ...