
Enrollment Open for 2019-2020 Nollau Leadership Institute

By CHHSM Staff | January 8, 2019

The UCC’s Council for Health and Human Service Ministries announced today (Jan. 4) that enrollment for the 2019-2020 Nollau Leadership Institute is now open. The Nollau Institute is a year-long program that focuses on spiritual formation and preparation for servant leadership. During the year, class members discern their call as Diakonal Ministers. A special vocation…

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UCC’s Cedar Ridge Residents Help Fill Local Food Pantry

By CHHSM-Member Ministry Contribution | January 4, 2019

Residents of UCC-related Cedar Community in West Bend, Wis., work hard to give back to their local community. Spearheaded by the CHHSM ministry’s Cedar Ridge Resident Council — a volunteer group at Cedar Community that serves as a governing board for the independent living apartments — efforts include working together to make monthly donations to…

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Low-Income Housing Coalition Asks for Support of National Housing Trust Fund

By CHHSM Staff | October 26, 2018

The National Low Income Housing Coalition, based in Washington, D.C., is encouraging people to sign on to a letter to Congress endorsing the National Housing Trust Fund. In legislation introduced by Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), the fund would receive $40 billion annually. To show support for the program,  the Coalition has reinvigorated its National Housing…

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United Church Homes and Services Practices Love of Neighbor in Response to Hurricane Florence

By Barb Powell | October 1, 2018

When partners need help, United Church Homes and Services responds. In the aftermath of Hurricane Florence, the United Church of Christ’s regional Southern Conference and its Disaster Ministries sent out an all-church call for 500 Emergency Clean-up Buckets. The Newton, N.C., CHHSM member quickly organized efforts within its communities. “United Church Homes and Services is…

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Nollau To You Participants Discover Servant Leadership, the Sacred Hidden in the Ordinary

By Barb Powell | September 7, 2018

“You really mean this vision, mission and values stuff. We really walk the talk!” These words summarize reactions the Rev. Kenneth Daniel heard from United Church Homes staff as they finished CHHSM’s Nollau To You training seminars. The sessions were held in January and June for middle managers in UCH’s residential, healthcare, and affordable housing…

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United Church of Christ CHHSM Ministries Serve Others Amid Opioid Crisis

By Barb Powell | August 13, 2018

M. battled opioid addiction for almost two decades. First oxycodone and alcohol. When that wasn’t enough to numb his anguish, cocaine. Finally, heroin. Two days after being released from a short-term recovery program, M. relapsed. As the injected heroin coursed through his veins, his dangerously-enlarged heart gave out. At the age of 39, M. lost…

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Residents at Abernethy Laurels Sprinkle Love in Their Community

By CHHSM-Member Ministry Contribution | August 2, 2018

Abernethy Laurels residents Lou Grandmaison and Sarah Bostian have a strong desire to help others in their community. Lou and Sarah are both active within LINC (Linked in New Creative) Ministries and give freely of their time by volunteering in numerous capacities. When the two ladies heard about a need in their county to help…

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For UCC Shelter Care Ministries, It’s All About Providing Hope

By Barb Powell | July 25, 2018

Making a difference: that’s a unifying theme among the many United Church of Christ shelter ministries operating in towns and communities across the United States. Some of the CHHSM members provide overnight facilities, some have day centers. Others provide various kinds of transitional housing. But they all fill vital needs for the people they serve.…

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CHHSM Family and Children Ministries Called to Love Neighbor, Children by Serving ‘Strangers Among Us’

By Barb Powell | July 11, 2018

In keeping with the United Church of Christ’s 3 Great Loves initiative, CHHSM’s child, youth and family service ministries often are on the front lines in providing support and care to migrant and immigrant persons. While challenges such as language and cultural barriers are unique, CHHSM members are finding that many of the needs immigrant…

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CHHSM Annual Report Emphasizes Ministry in Action Through UCC’s 3 Great Loves Initiative

By Barb Powell | July 10, 2018

The UCC’s Council for Health and Human Service Ministries has released its 2017 Annual Report. While summarizing its member ministries’ events of the past year, the report also looks eagerly to the future as it describes the many ways CHHSM members embody the UCC’s 3 Great Loves initiative through action and service. For example, almost…

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