By the Rev. Kenneth Daniel The Rev. Ken Daniel, president and CEO of United Church Homes, recently published this reflection column in his blog on the Ruth Frost Parker Center for Abundant Aging of United Church Homes’ website. It is reprinted here with permission. Early in the pandemic, we began to hear the phrase, “We…
Read MoreI am writing this column while I am “on vacation” in southern California. The desert environment is an amazing and beautiful landscape that contains so many surprises and unexpected wonders. Many of the miracles of nature that appear here every day make me ponder the possibilities ahead of us as we begin to emerge from…
Read MoreThis summer, the UCC’s Council for Health and Human Service Ministries and Council on Racial and Ethnic Ministries is bringing a Synod Resolution of Witness to delegates of the biennial meeting calling on the church to declare and respond to racism as a public health crisis. But even before delegates debate and vote on the…
Read MoreThe UCC’s Council for Health and Human Service Ministries (CHHSM) begins a series of webinars over the summer to help CHHSM members and their employees better serve their clients. The first, Managing Cross-Contamination after COVID, takes place Tuesday, May 25, at 2 p.m. “CHHSM has decided to offer this ongoing series of webinars in order to…
Read MoreSome pundits call the current times “post-Christian.” Others have named it a time to re-discover “real” Christianity. In his new book, Listening for the Holy — A Life Journey, long-time justice activist, serving leader, and UCC minister the Rev. Robinson G. Lapp seeks to reawaken the divine spark in each of us. “In an era…
Read MoreDue to the COVID-19 pandemic, many CHHSM agencies that provide food, shelter, and other services to homeless persons and lower-income individuals are without their normal contingent of volunteers. But this has created a benefit: to compensate, CHHSM members across the country have forged new partnerships in their local communities. One example is United Caring Services…
Read MoreWith a 20-year tradition of excellent care for older adults, Cape Albeon recently opened the new Cove Memory Care Household to offer residents and their families families a beacon of hope in caring for residents with dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease. In addition to providing a caring and secure community, the all-inclusive Memory Care Household strives…
Read MoreBy Ashley Bills, corporate communications manager, United Church Homes. Reprinted with permission. The pandemic taught humanity a lot of valuable lessons, but arguably the most important was how it taught Chapel Hill Community — part of United Church Homes — to adapt quickly in providing successful activities and life enrichment to its seniors. John Wooden, one…
Read MoreOn May 5, UCC-related Chicago Theological Seminary will honor the recipient of the Distinguished Alumni Award. The annual award is an opportunity for the community to gather together and celebrate the achievements of the recipient of the Distinguished Alumni Award. Award winners have demonstrated that they are pillars within their communities and best reflect our…
Read MoreLake Prince Woods in Suffolk, Va. — part of CHHSM-member United Church Homes and Services — is proud to recognize the volunteer work its residents do for the community. During the 2019-2020 fiscal year, 69 residents worked volunteer activities totaling 7,883 hours. Organizations the residents assisted include local churches, hospitals, and shelters. In a typical…
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Council for Health and Human Service Ministries, UCC
An association of nearly 400 facilities, communities and programs nationwide, CHHSM is the healing an