The following information is from Charles Buck, president and CEO of United Church Funds: Greetings from your partners in stewardship at United Church Funds! With the third quarter of 2020 behind us, we invite you to join us at our next Town Hall virtual meeting. You can find more information and the registration link below,…
Read MoreFor months, I have been poring over the responses to the Vision 2030 questions we started asking back in March of 2020. We received 71 responses from 36 individuals or groups that covered 27 pages of type. As the year progressed, the responses took a startling and unsurprising turn. No longer was the focus on…
Read MoreThe oft-times partnered issues of mental health and substance use can cause complex treatment challenges — and solutions — for CHHSM members. One example is making sure health care professionals assisting persons of color are trained in cultural competency so that they can help their clients with mental health and substance use problems that arise…
Read MoreAs part of its recommitment to dismantle white supremacy, the UCC’s Council for Health and Human Service Ministries has updated its website to include a new Anti-Racism Center. The creation of the center is one of many actions to be taken as a follow-up to the Pandemic of Systemic Racism statement released by CHHSM board…
Read MoreWhen Niquanna Barnett, in-home family therapist and intake specialist at UCC-related Orion Family Services in Madison, Wis., developed the workshop “Understanding Historical Trauma: How to Heal and Move Forward” and presented it at the CHHSM Annual Gathering in Memphis this past March, she knew it wasn’t going to be a one-time event. She had plans…
Read MoreThe UCC’s Council for Health and Human Service Ministries has announced that its 2021 83rd Annual Gathering is going virtual. The meeting, centering around the theme, “Together in Hope,” will be held online March 2-4, 2021. “In the face of loss and violence as a result of the two pandemics currently affecting our country —…
Read MoreWith the COVID-19 pandemic affecting all aspects of social interaction and activities, many local school districts had difficulty developing safe plans for the new school year. Agencies serving children and youth — including several CHHSM members — felt the impact of that uncertainty. In the Womelsdorf, Pa., area, the local school district finished its virtual…
Read MoreThanks to UCC-related St. John’s Community Care — based in Collinsville, Ill. — and the Madison County Elder Resources TRIAD program, a free new program is available to residents of the local Madison County that will help police officers appropriately respond and assist persons with communication impairments. The PIN (Potentially Impaired or Nonverbal Person) Sticker…
Read MoreAn old saying goes, “Necessity is the mother of invention.” For UCC-related EdenHill Communities, a life plan community in New Braunfels, Texas, the adage has particular meaning, thanks to a new twist on an old idea. Earlier this year, EdenHill’s second annual “A Night in New Old Braunfels” — a fundraiser that benefits the CHHSM…
Read MoreCHHSM staff members have long participated in #ThursdaysinBlack, and are redoubling efforts to make a visible online witness. Learn more below in this United Church News story by Connie Larkman, reprinted here with permission. By Connie Larkman, UCC News Director Every Thursday at noon, members of the wider United Church of Christ have long been…
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Council for Health and Human Service Ministries, UCC
An association of nearly 400 facilities, communities and programs nationwide, CHHSM is the healing an