We are pleased to welcome George Graham to the CHHSM staff as vice president. I asked him to write a few words to introduce himself to you. — Michael Readinger Author Frederick Buechner writes, “The place God calls you to is the place where your deep gladness and the world’s deep hunger meet.” This month…
Read MoreJunior and Senior High youth group members from St. John Evangelical UCC in Collinsville, Ind., recently made lasting memories with participants in nearby St. John’s Community Care Adult Day program. When St. John associate pastor the Rev. Katie Jo Bielke found out the youth group members had a day off of school, she invited them…
Read More“The perfect day is going to bed with a dream and waking up with a purpose.” — A. J. McLean For Lucy Guzman, an employee of CHHSM member Plymouth Harbor — a continuing care community for older adults in Sarasota, Fla. — the McLean quote is a daily mantra. Every time she achieves one goal,…
Read MoreIt started as a few photos broadcast over the closed circuit TV system at Brewster Place, an older adult community in Topeka, Kan. Brewster’s resident services group regularly posted photos of residents and staff who were military veterans. Over time, the group collected a large number of photos. “One year, in conjunction with a Fourth…
Read MoreUCAN, a Chicago-based CHHSM member ministry serving youth in crisis, is recognizing its sesquicentennial in a unique and creative way: each day for the 150 days leading up to its birthday, UCAN will be using various social media platforms to share interesting facts about its history. “The graphics and posts will be made daily and,…
Read MorePhoebe Ministries put pen to paper Nov. 1, 2018, and then today (Nov. 2) finalized the purchase of the previous Rodale property on 10th and Arch streets in Emmaus Borough, part of the Lehigh Valley region of Pennsylvania. Since spring, Phoebe has been in the due diligence phase of the commercial property deal, working with…
Read MoreThe National Low Income Housing Coalition, based in Washington, D.C., is encouraging people to sign on to a letter to Congress endorsing the National Housing Trust Fund. In legislation introduced by Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), the fund would receive $40 billion annually. To show support for the program, the Coalition has reinvigorated its National Housing…
Read MoreUnited Church Funds has released the newest installment of its ongoing Planned Giving 101 series. This third webinar, featuring Howard Hawkins, director of business development, and Don Hill, president of Don Hill Consulting, is on Using Technology To Promote Planned Giving. United Church Funds continues to ask for questions and feedback on the series. Email…
Read MoreThe United Church of Christ released its 2017 Annual Report Oct. 20. The report is available online. According to the UCC website: “The National Setting of the United Church of Christ is pleased to announce the availability of the 2017 Annual Report. To manage costs, a very small print run is distributed on a limited…
Read MoreEarlier this year, some angels descended from the attic and smiled on UCC-related Orion Family Services in Madison, Wis. The Attic Angel Association — begun in 1889 by two Wisconsin sisters who brought armloads of goods from their attic to share with children from families who lived in poverty — awarded Orion a partial Community…
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Two years after forming the nation’s third-largest not-for-profit integrated health system, Advocate Health is demonstrating its commitment to not only improve, but also transform care for patients ...