Wow! What a whirlwind it was! Personally, I am witnessing a whole lot of withdrawal from the UCC General Synod 31 that just concluded in Baltimore, Md. For those of you who have never attended a General Synod, let me try to explain what it is like. Those of you who have been will understand.…
Read MoreAfter 30 minutes of deliberation, delegates to the United Church of Christ’s 31st General Synod tonight (July 3) passed a Resolution of Witness calling for research into gun violence and declaring gun violence a public health emergency. The resolution, sponsored by the UCC’s Council for Health and Human Service Ministries, passed with a 97 percent…
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Into the Deep: Reclaiming Strength in Uncertain Times at CHHSM’s 87th Annual Gathering - CHHSM
When unprecedented change becomes routine, sustaining the work of service can feel thankless, unappreciated, and overwhelming. In uncertain times like these, it is essential for us to come together an...