United Church of Christ
A Native American Cultural Festival held June 23 at UCC-related Emmaus Homes in St. Charles, Mo., celebrated the culmination of a 5-week course in Native American culture. The course, part of the EmmausLink program, was open to Emmaus clients and the wider community, and focused on various aspects of Native American culture. EmmausLink, a social…
Read MoreSome 25 years ago, St. Louis-based Unleashing Potential (UP) started the William Diersing Scholarship Fund to help lower-income youth and families in St. Louis further their academic goals. In June, eight UP program participants were honored as this year’s fund recipients. At an awards ceremony June 10, Darlene Sowell, president and CEO, presented the $1,500…
Read MoreThis past spring, images started appearing across the Whitewater campus of the University of Wisconsin. But these weren’t the normal fare of athletic events and other student pursuits. Instead, they were large posters featuring older adults from the local community, including some former university professors. The posters are the first part of Project GREY (Geriatric…
Read MoreOver the past several years, the number of refugees that the United States has resettled has dropped drastically, from more than 80,000 in 2016 to just over 20,000 last year. Reports have now surfaced that some administration officials are proposing that the U.S. resettle zero refugees in 2020 — all during the worst refugee crisis in world…
Read MoreBy Alissa Paolella Rhonda Farley was tired to the bone. She had spent the past several years waking at 4 a.m. daily to help care for her aging mother. With the assistance of her grown son, Rhonda was providing around-the-clock care for her mother, Georgena, who was experiencing the early stages of Alzheimer’s disease. But…
Read MoreThe Rev. John “Jack” A. Smith — the second administrator of UCC-related Plymouth Harbor in Sarasota, Fla. — died June 4, 2019, in Plymouth Harbor’s Smith Care Center, named for him. He was 93. Smith was Plymouth Harbor’s administrator from 1972 until his retirement in 1989. Early in his tenure, Plymouth Harbor was struggling to…
Read MoreEdith A. Guffey is Conference Minister of the UCC’s Kansas-Oklahoma Conference. Prior to serving the conference, Guffey was Secretary (1991-2000) and Associate General Minister (2000-2011) of the United Church of Christ. Recently, she shared these thoughts via the conference’s e-blast. We reprint them here with permission: I was going to just let it go; after…
Read MoreThe Rev. Donald Edgar Ellerman, UCC minister and resident of UCC-related Fairhaven Senior Services in Whitewater, Wis., died July 9. He was 68. A graduate of Quincy High School, Ellerman enlisted in the U.S. Air Force in 1969 and was honorably discharged in 1973. While stationed in Italy, he met his wife, Gladys E. (Leason)…
Read MoreEarlier this month, the Rev. Kenneth Samuel’s UCC Daily Devotion titled “Beyond Bravery” was published. The scripture verse from Matthew 10 is one I am familiar with and have heard in church and as the subject of more than one sermon. “I am sending you out like sheep among wolves. You will be handed over…
Read MoreMany faith-based service organizations struggle with how to offer benefits and retirement pensions to their employees in an effective, just way. Sometimes, it’s difficult to find providers that understand church-related organizations’ priorities. For CHHSM members, the Pension Boards United Church of Christ (PBUCC) offers both understanding and multiple solutions. “PBUCC has been in existence and…
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CHHSM Nollau Consecration Service
The Nollau Consecration service is a deeply spiritual and celebratory event where the 2024-2025 class of CHHSM's Nollau Leadership Institute will be consecra...