The Role of Back Bay Mission Community Health Workers in Advocacy is Vital

By Terra Moreau, Back Bay Mission
On Jan. 30, Terra Moreau, a community health worker for Back Bay Mission in Biloxi, Miss., walked into the Mississippi State Capitol, charged by the energy of Mississippians united in a common cause. This is her account of the visit.
My work as a community health worker at Back Bay Mission is deeply personal — I connect people to resources, provide education, and support individuals through health challenges. But on this day, my role extended beyond the community.
I was in Jackson, Miss., to ensure that the voices of those I serve were heard in a much bigger arena than the walls of Back Bay Mission.
I had 10 minutes of time from State Senator Scott DeLano (R-Biloxi), where I shared stories of our guests and their urgent need for mental health care and substance abuse support. I emphasized how Medicaid expansion would provide critical help in addressing these challenges.

Unfortunately, Senator Delano is currently against the expansion. However, he stated during our time together that he does take into consideration what his constituents vote for.
I also had the privilege of speaking with several key legislators, each conversation reinforcing the urgency of our mission. As I spoke with these lawmakers, I shared real stories from my work at Back Bay Mission — stories of individuals who, without Medicaid, have nowhere to turn.
I highlighted the gaps in access to care, the financial burdens on families, and the heartbreaking reality of those who are left without options. Each story carried weight, putting a human face to the statistics that often dominate policy discussions.
Advocacy is, without a doubt, a vital part of being a community health worker. It’s about bridging the gap between those in need and the policymakers who can make a difference.
As the day ended, I left the Capitol feeling both exhausted and empowered. I walked away hopeful that our efforts will push Medicaid expansion forward — not just for this session, but for years to come.
Expanding Medicaid isn’t just about policy — it’s about people. It’s a lifeline for Mississippians, especially those who struggle to afford the care they need.
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